Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What seems at times so very possible when you get rid of self doubt

Going to be as brief as possible today. I want to start with a funny.

Let me preface this by saying. I love my family and I love the sense of humor we all have. I think laughter is the spice of LIFE. And I have been known to just laugh continuously for what seems to be no reason. My poor other half. At times he is so confused. But it's awesome that for the most part he gets it. Case and point...Today..I have been feeling a little off. I go through these things at times. I am at work,  as you that follow me know..I get a little flustered at work from time to time with people and their .....well just people. This morning though...I get this from my son. It's as if he knew his Momma needed a good laugh..and oh boy...did this ever do the trick. The caption on the photo is funny-but what is even more what he wrote...and I quote "MAN...THE RESEMBLANCE HERE KIND OF SCARES ME..." turned my day around. HILARIOUS!!!! Sorry Matty it was too post worthy!!! And thanks son!

So, funny is my heading. Yesterday I had a little breakthrough. I can't tell you the times over the past few months that I have wished for more. To be stronger or faster or more fit or less name some point I might have wished for more(this is NOT specific to me and working out- this is to my life in general). It's kind of who I am. Sometimes when wods come up with movements I struggle with- I let self doubt creep in and take over. So this week I vowed it would be different. I wanted to go from almost crying in a wod last week to start feeling like if I can push through the pain, if I can believe in my strengths more than I do my weakness, if I can change my attitude, that wodding might be better for me this week. And I will be damned if I didn't have a breakthrough. I went from feeling frustrated and vulnerable to feeling strong and invincible-ish. I am not going into details but I have had an epiphany if you will. It's kind of true-if you believe it you can achieve it. Today. I believed that I was going to do an overhead squat that normally I probably wouldn't ever even try. I am trashed to be honest. The wods this week have really challenged me (yes I know it's barely Wed) and then Oly class last night- I am just really sore's the deal. I am accepting that I may not be the fastest, strongest, skinniest (lets be honest who REALLY wants to the skinniest anymore? GROSS) cutest, most witty, most humble, craziest...and on and on. And what is happening is that I am doubting who I am less and focusing on what I am just a little more. I am NOT an elite athlete. I am middle of the pack at best on a good day. I will never stop wanting or pushing for more. But in the midst of that-I am starting to believe that if I think it's possible. It's very likely that it is. Might not be today or tomorrow. It may take years..but it's possible.

That's it. That my impossible to possible rant. I know it seems all wod related- it is and it's not. This is relative to life. I just use my wodding as way to compare. It comes easier to me.


So one thing I failed to mention about the shrimp salad. I used spicy brown mustard instead of Dijon. Dijon is a little grainy for me. AND PLEASE....please read the label of any product you are buying in a bottle or a can. I bring this up because you would be surprised what they try and sneak in cans. For example. While looking for enchilada sauce for the Chicken enchilada lasagna I must have picked up 4 - 5 cans and read the label. They had things like soy, sugar and some items I was like WHAT THE???? Just be cognizant and aware of these things if you choose to buy canned and bottled products. I used Las Palmas brand enchilada sauce which seemed to have all pretty safe ingredients.

That's pretty much it for midweek. SUPER SUPER excited for next weekend and REGIONALS!! WHOOT WHOOT. My assignment is on the "scoring team" pressure there right? Going to be 3 days of fun. Excited to be a part of it.  This little one below was random...but it made me smile!! FINISH OUT THE WEEK STRONG!!! We are almost there!!

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