Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Taking ya'all to CHURCH...a little sermon on adversity...Croniqua style


Difficulties; misfortune.
misfortune - disaster - distress - calamity - hardship

No food advise today. I feel compelled to just do life ish today. I will let you know I have an amazing salad dressing recipe to share that my sister Liz sent me. But today. I feel like I want to just talk about adversity.

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" Ever heard this before?
We have all heard it. Perhaps we have all had some form of adversity in our lives. I would say my family...has had a good fair share.

Well here's the deal. I had a little epiphany today-about adversity-and felt the need to dedicate my blog post tonight to it. This is happening a lot more to me lately. As I become one with myself...I have epiphanies more often  WATCH OUT!!

It's simple. Good people are easy targets. Not so good people create their own adversity. They are their own worst enemies. But GOOD people?? vulnerable...sometimes mistaken as weak...sometimes not so great things happen's the circle of life. How we deal with these adversities is what truly defines us. I am blessed to be surrounded by strong people. Not only physically strong but strong minded.
Case and point #1 My kiddos-look at them. You would never really know by just gazing at this pic the adversity they have faced in the past few months. I am not going into details. But they have a lot going on. Car issues-house issues-you name it, life is throwing some stuff at them. And they just smile and forge on. It's a lot to admire but also a lot to be thankful for. They remain happy and healthy.

Case and Point #2 Today, I learned of a friend -former employee- is losing his battle or has lost rather, his battle with cancer today. He is in the last stages of life. OF LIFE. I have been following his story on Facebook and this is what his wife posted today.
UPDATE: Kevin is in his final hours. He has "terminal congestion" which means his lungs are starting to fill up with fluid as his body shuts down. The hospice nurse said she doubts he'll make it through tonight. His body is weak, frail and thin. He is rarely awake and those moments are very short. When he does wake up he always asks for "a hug, a BIG hug" which always makes me smile. Please continue to pray that he can be released back to our Heavenly Father soon. We love him so much and hate to see him suffer. ~Rachel
How amazing is this that his wife, as difficult as it will be for her and their children is asking people to pray that he is released. Selfless and strong.
Case and point #3
Laura and Amanda from our box lost their sweet Mom/Grandmother yesterday as well. My thoughts and prayers go out to them. Although people suffer physically and we yearn for the pain to go away..when it does it seems to always be bittersweet. These two have an amazing relationship and although they will be grieving- the strength that they will be able to provide for each other will get them through this very difficult time. Strong- and capable women..I am so lucky to be surrounded by so so many.

Case and Point #4-My sweet sister Liz's son Jaxson. I am so choked up thinking about this.  Reminds me SO much of my Kolby. The kid has had SO MANY things out of the ordinary happen to him. But he just continues to push past it and work hard. Today Jaxson had a mishap on the football field that I am guessing will take him out for the season. This is not the first time something like this has happened. A few years ago jumping off a "ride" at the Bountiful Handcarts Day Jaxson broke his back. Yet he forged on and played football again. As he will with this injury as well. The kid has the soul and strength of something I can't really explain. He will come through this and push on to whatever he wants. How can he avoid it? He has so many strong people surrounding him.

I am sure you are wondering by now "what's her point?"
Something  I learned at a young age. God will never give you MORE than you can handle.
Something I also think it's more than you can handle and you cave. You give into the negativity's that take you to a dark place you have no business being. BUT if you can somehow look past the moment. Look past the sad, sorrowful, challenged, dark, dirty place that you are in and look to what lies beyond what you will gain when you finally understand that everything is for something! You will be able to move forward with an understanding that honestly...what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.

WHEW!! That is a lot I know. I just felt like I had to get that out.  So I guess if I have anything to close with. Realize that the challenges we face in life are there for a reason. It's not our place to understand WHY. It is our place to figure HOW to get through it..push through the pain if you will..get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Hump day did not disappoint. Wod hard...stay focused and strong- and as know I have to close with something funny!! Croniqua....OUT!


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