Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Produce LOVE.... Todays share is from ME! I predicted it's getting harder and harder for me to blog. If anyone noticed..I apologize. I will continue to try and post on Sunday and Wednesday but if life happens I have to let that happen.


As I mentioned before-fruits and veggies are abundant right now. Don't be afraid to bum excess produce off people. I seriously have NO shame about it. Not sure why I don't find it weird..I just don't. So I bummed my body weight in tomatoes from Jo. Bummed a canning recipe from my friend at work Lucy and this weekend I will be canning my own salsa for the first excited. Pray that I turns out.

I also bummed peaches from Jos neighbor and my intention was to make leather. If you have never tried this..SO EASY! I boiled mine until the skin peeled itself off-I drained and rinsed they opened themselves up and the pits fell out. I threw them in the food processor-blended them until they were a good puree and poured on saran wrap lined cookie sheet-baked at 170 for approx. 12-16 hours! DELICIOUS! This is my third flavor of leather and it is absolutely my favorite!! So I will be doing more this weekend.
Back to salsa. So my sis Amy made some salsa and brought me some last night. It was amazing-I started just eating it with a fork then made myself stop so I could get my dinner ready. Who knew fresh salsa on warmed up zucchini noodles would taste so good? threw in a piece of Salmon and this was my go to meal after wod and Oly class last night. Today I combined the rest of the salsa with just under a tablespoon of greek yogurt and it was my salad dressing. If you haven't mastered making your own salsa...get on it people..if you need help or a good recipe let me know!!

My share today is from...well..ME.

How many times have you shied away from doing something simply because you were uncertain of yourself? This doesn't have to be about wodding it can be about anything.

TWO times this week I had doubts that I could do something. YES it is wod related for me.

TWO times I looked at a WOD and let it consume me. I may have had a little moment panic and automatically assume that I couldn't do something.

I do this often and I need to stop.

The one thing that I didn't do...I didn't let it stop me from trying. Can I do a 95# thruster? Yes I can..wouldn't have known if I would not have tried. Can I do a 135# hang clean. Yes I can. I have done them before but it's been a long while. And I did 15 of them tonight. What if I would scaled-or not even tried?

So that's it...what is going on out there that you are not diving into because you are unsure, uncertain or scared even? how do you know you "can't" if you haven't at least tried and failed?

Success comes in CANS not CANT'S people.

Get out there and try.


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