Saturday, January 19, 2013

Get back on that box...and Amandas story a different kind of before and after.

I almost did not go WOD today. But, I am diggin the partner wods we have been doing on Saturdays. So happy I went loved the WOD and loved my 2 partners Monie and Mindy that was fun...BUT oopps I did it again...took my shin out on a box jump. Did I quit? nope! Did I stop? ya for a second to simply catch my breath..if you have ever shinned yourself you know that feeling and how it can take you from happy to wanting to cry in the blink of an eye. So I stepped up a few..I was at the end of my share of the work...rested for a moment then started back at it. I am not a quitter...DFS folks. CrossFit Lisbeth actually has a great post about box jumps and conquering the fear of it. I am not going to post her entire post but I am going to share the link so you can read it if you so choose. But I do want to post one part of it-
"6.) If you fall, do it again right away. Jump immediately. Really. The more you postpone the activity, or avoid it, the worse the fear will become. It doesn’t matter if your shin has a bruise 3″ wide and you’ve left skin on the floor, jump again right away. Don’t wait."
Right?? you have to. So I did. Done and Done

Meet Amanda Childs.I am SUPER excited to share this story.Its going to be long but a great read.
 As I have stated in the past not every before and after story is about weight loss. Sometimes it can be simply overcoming ones fears and finding out who you are and what you are capable of. I have this before pic of Amanda. I use this pic because -and I might have my timeline wrong- Amanda was still pretty new to CF22 and I remember being just so impressed with her bad assness. This was 2011 Barbells for Boobs and the WOD was Grace which is 30 clean and jerks for time. I think she did 95# she thinks she only did 75# either way I remember just thinking shizzz...this girl is what CF is all about.

Let me start by saying this girl is CRRRRAAAAZZZYY STRONG!! I am constantly chasing her and honestly I may never catch her. What's even more amazing is her calm demeanor. She is focused and strong, a lethal combo. 
Amanda was first introduced to CrossFit/CF22 via Dusti Tipton. She was working out at a globo gym doing body combat..she says "yes, kicking and punching air" I know my statement and opinion on this will be strong and it's not meant offend but what a waste based on what I know about her now. Again- I have to add CF isn't for everyone.  
She was terrified to come to CF. Her first day when she pulled in the parking lot and didn't see Dusti's car she literally sat in her car just wanting to pull away. Thank God Dusti showed up that day because CF22 gained a great athlete. James was coaching the first day Amanda showed up to WOD. Dusti and James helped Amanda through her first wod. One of her fears about starting to CrossFit was that she didn't want to get "bigger" arms. She feels that she has always had big arms and even says that she was made fun of for it.She never lifted weights to get her guns, she just played softball-she was a pitcher. Good place to insert a pic right?
Hello arms..aren't they amazing?? I hope whoever made fun of her either got sucker punched or is eating their heart out right now.
Her first WOD had her hooked. It was 3 rounds of a triplet of dead lifts, power cleans and front squats. This goes to her athleticism because some of these movements as we all know can be complicated and she did leave thinking she had a long way to go..BUT..the NEXT day she came back for more and committed her soul, body and life to CF22. Her 2nd WOD was Filthy Fifty. She had hoped that Dust would be there again to help her through but she was on her own. James was coaching again and she was hoping that he would let her get away with doing maybe half the reps. Which with any new CFitter that may happen but if you are capable and a coach is onto that, you are going to get pushed..with caution. This was the day she wasn't sure why she came back. This happens, often, to many people. She went home from that WOD and her hubby commented that she was "beet red" and she was sore for a week. Hence the name "filthy fifty".
Again-she was hooked immediately. It took one WOD, one day for her. She is competitive by nature which is evident in the way she pushes herself. One thing I also admire about her is that she hurt her back and I know it was KILLING her to pull back and she did and I will be damned if she didn't come back stronger than she started. You  may at times see her doing things like this...weight vest anyone?? Another thing..this girl struggles with kipping. So..she went straight to butterfly pull ups. Again-she is insanely strong. I even had the opportunity to see her cry-I share this because she is so calm I love wodding with her and lifting with her because she just shows up and puts in the work. Anyway, it was a heroes WOD. A heroes wod for my nonCF readers is a wod that is created in memory of a fallen soldier. They are brutal, grinders, heavy and more. When you do a heroes wod you kind of go to a different place. This particular wod was long with heavy dumbbell thrusters. I think she was about 6 rounds into this wod and it was hard-really hard and she kind of just lost it. I watched as a coach lovingly got right next to her and encouraged her to gather herself and finish. AND SHE DID! She didn't make a scene-I would guess that most people wodding at the box that day didn't realize that had even happened. Again-another reason I have so much respect for her. 
She loves how competitive doing CrossFit can be and  but has shied away from wanting to do any of the competitions so far, with the exception of a throw down we were invited to do at CrossFit Race. So I asked her how she got talked into it. Apparently my sister Liz simply told her she was doing it. HA yup. We are some pushy broads. She wanted to vomit. She took the very back corner and killed it. In a throw down you kind of show up and the WOD is presented when you get there and it's go time. You do not really get a chance to prepare. Below are the results of this throw down.
Women’s RX:
1. Tiffany Hendrickson-6 rounds +11
2. Chelsea Rupp-5 rounds + 42
3. Liz McBride-5 rounds+10
4. Marci Nelson-4 rounds + 23
5. Amanda Childs-4 rounds +15
6. Jennifer Brunson-4 rounds +5
7. Caitlyn Lambert-4 rounds
8. Ally Dean-4 rounds
9. Joni McCloyn-3 rounds +30
10. Angi Slade-3 rounds+8
11. Sunny Larson-2 rounds + 12
12. Barbara Wolfgang-1 round +37 

Extremely impressive right? For someone who "feared" even walking into a box  she absolutely killed this. It was a AMRAP meaning as many rounds as possible of box jumps, 105 # power cleans and dubs. 
What Amanda was desiring most from CrossFit when she started -in her own words- was to be "skinny and ripped" Since starting CrossFit-skinny is gone. She wants to be strong (which we all know STRONG is the new skinny) and beautiful. I think she's there right? One thing she loves about CF22 is that they do not really promote weight loss-they actually promote healthy eating-weight loss at times is a just a result of that. She has gained so much self confidence -she is no longer concerned with how much she weighs-she is happy with who she is and how she looks. She used to be concerned about the number on the scale yet now even though she weighs more she is amazed with the muscle and strength she has gained.
She feels that since gaining this self confidence her outlook on life has changed. She loves being and wodding around people that are struggling to get through the same wod she is doing and that if that person sees you are struggling and even if they are as well and are out of breath they will cheer you on to help push you to the end of the WOD. She loves the people that the box attracts and the fact that no one there is really feeling like they need to "one up eachother".
Amanda recently participated in a Paleo challenge at CF22. I personally saw a very noticable change. I post this next pic because I know she hates it. I love it for 2 reasons. The 3 ladies in this pic myself, Amanda and Maria-often wod together and this pic shows what healthy eating has done for her. She looks great here in my opinion but now take a look at the next pic. Crazy amazing transformation if you ask me. Look how lean and strong she is!! 

This brings me to close to the end of this awesome story. A before and after can't always be about I was large and now I am not. I think stories like this are sometimes even more impactful and empowering. 
In closing I asked Amanda if she was excited for the Open. I didn't bother asking her is she was actually doing it because honestly, at this point? she can't get out of it.
I am going to share verbatim what she told me:
"I want to vomit when I think about the Open. I am terrified. I am not scared to lose, I am scared to fail. I have alot of anxiety about not being able to complete the WOD as it is prescribed. I have a few more moves that I would to be able to do before the Open comes, this would make me feel a little more confident. This year my goal is to simply just do the Open for the experience. I don't have any goals for times, or to place a certain spot. I want to be able to do the moves and leave it all on the floor." 

Amanda-GIRRRLLLL you are going places. Your work ethic in the box is going to take you there. I hope I did you justice! In closing-STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY!!


  1. Joni, I loved this! Thank you for sharing it. And, Amanda, you are beautiful and so strong. I know you will both be great during the Open. Much love to you both! M

  2. Thanks M. I love her story and I knew her only obstacle was fear and a place where her desure to be a badass was more of an appropiate fit (CF22) hugs and love back to you
