Friday, March 1, 2013

Sox make me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!

Well...4 days and counting...It's becoming a blur really. I might already be having intestinal issues :) those who compete know what I am talking about.

Last night Amanda and I met and ran, we RAN..I MEAN WE RAN...I wasn't chasing Jo this time, but for some reason we were hauling ass. Not sure what was going on. It could be that the weather has been SO CRAPPY that running outside is like ...well it's like when you cut sugar out and then you get sugar and you are so happy and it's so good kind of feel like shiz after that. Kind of the same thing. My legs were a little toasted today but I made it over to CF Race to WOD - CF22 is undergoing some repairs and Enoch at CF Race was kind enough to invite us to WOD there thanks so much to him. YET ANOTHER THING TO LOVE ABOUT THE COMMUNITY OF CF.

Love these!
I don't really have much for a Friday except MY STOVE IS FINALLY FIXED. Silly thing about circuit breakers. If they aren't marked correctly one may get a surge and pop over about halfway and you won't notice it because it's marked AC and not OVEN and then you will call a service guy out and you get to pay him 49.00 to have him flip the circuit back over and tell you that your oven is now fine. Lesson learned. I am certain at some point my Pops Kenny probably told me to check all breakers...but I didn't. Anyway it's fixed and it's AWESOME! So expect some good cooking on Sunday. Found a greek recipe I am doing fo SHO!

Today I received and AWESOME package. NEW SOX (yes fools I know this is not how socks is really spelled but I ordered these from The Sox Box) I LOVE LOVE LOVE these and the message on both pairs. Can't wait to sport them...
Lastly. Read this today...spoke to me tons! All of you know of my love for this writer. I aspire to be like her some day in written form. Another amazing post by CrossFit LOVE this!
Just Keep Moving

Some mornings, you wake up and feel like somebody beat you with a stick while you slept. The 5am alarm doesn’t just ring in your ears, it rings all over your body. Muscles ache, joints creak, and you start to think that doing nothing today is the best idea you’ve had in years. But you pull on your gear in the dark and head to the WOD. Although you don’t realize it at that exact moment, this is the best idea you’ll have all day.
Why? Because movement is key, even on the days that you don’t feel like moving. In fact, movement is even more important on those days. Movement is life.
Unfortunately, ahead, at some point, there may be plenty of days to just sit when you can’t move anymore. Plenty of time to rest when you’re ill, enough hours to relax when relaxing is all you can do. Sickness and death don’t ask for a warm-up. They just appear and camp on your porch like the unwanted visitors they are.
Before you start with your excuses, let me say that I’m not talking all crazy “You should never rest” talk. I’m not saying you should work out when you’re sick or you’re injured. I’m just saying that sometimes you have to have to listen to your gut instead of your brain. Sometimes you have to override your inner wuss and slap yourself around a little. Sometimes you need to get to class and do something.
Now is the time to be active. Whatever your age, whatever your condition, whatever your athletic ability, now is the time to move. Old, young, firebreather, midde-of-the-pack, last-place-finisher, grump or ray of sunshine, just get moving and get to the box. Once you’re there and your body is in motion, everything will get better.
Even if you don’t set any PRs, you’ll feel like a million bucks just because you kept moving.

HAPPY FRIDAY- See you all in the morning :)

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