Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thankful for my filter.Sunday Sprints a necessary evil..and FOOD!!

Lets start with a funny...might set to the mood for anyone who might be offended...
I love that I come to this blog and it and walk away and then come back a few days later and be thankful that I didn't publish a post. Thankful that sometimes...I know when to walk away..I call it my "filter"!
Friday I was on a rampage. Here is just a quick summary of what would have been a really long rant. Haters are gonna hate, what works for some people doesn't work for everyone. No need to try and shove your haterade down peoples throats. Can't we all just live in a world where you are entitled to do your own thing and to be happy and not have people constantly trying to belittle what you do to make up for their own shortcomings and insecurities? That's all..Done and done.

Staples I picked up this week. HAVE YOU FIGURED OUT WHAT YOUR STAPLES ARE YET?? I grabbed blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, avocado, salad mix and BEETS!!! I am going to simply slice the beets thin and grill them and throw them with my meatballs as a side or add them into my salads! So stoked Costco has these-thanks Jo for the tip.

SUNDAY SPRINTS!!! Holy crap! This is saving me from a life of sin! And I mean that in a good way. This is my church, my worship, my outlet from a world that sometimes makes me unhappy. Sprints are great. I don't LOVE to run. I make no secret about that. And even though I get lapped..and I am usually the last one to finish, I can get out of my head for that 30 minutes to an hour and honestly kind of get focused for the week. Not everyone has a schedule that allows them to do this. I won't  judge you for that. I have a pretty simple life. But if you can fit in one day that you do something non GYM will thank yourself later. It doesn't have to be running, it could be going on a hike or taking a bike ride etc. Just a suggestion. Do something out of your "norm" it is completely refreshing!!! (p.s. if you want to do the sprints on your own time Matt does post what we do each week-simply "like" the Sunday Sprints FB page and there you go)

NEXT SUBJECT!! TREATS!!! Something I do not really advocate treats. And it's not because I am CRRAAZZZYYY it's just that my body processes things different than some. HOWEVER.... if I am going to have treat...umm Paleo is the way to go. Unless you believe that Paleo is bad for you...then go ahead a knock yourself out with some other thing you believe to be a necessary evil. These "cookies" absolutely do the trick. I bag them 2 each in a snack bag and freeze them. If you HAVE to have treats this is absolutely the way to go! Love them!

Going to be brief with food matters. Opted to grab some "easies" and then cook a few things as well- easies meaning prebagged salad. Those of you who know my eating style know that I do NOT consider some lame salad a "meal" it has to be packed with protein to get me through- meaning meat, nuts and seeds and fats. I LOVE LOVE this salad from Costco...probably have mentioned before that the dressing is GARBAGE..I throw it out. I also love this mix from Walmart. CRAZY I know- again- I sometimes use a little of the dressing- comes with ENORMOUS croutons..when I am feeling froggy I eat them and bacon bits as well. Here was my lunch today- salad with leftover pork tenderloin from last night.

I absolutely love these meatballs. Today I opted to add a little red pepper flakes into my garlic, artichoke and onion mixture. DELICIOUS! I also do not use dried parsley- fresh is really so much better!

Last but not LEAST! Sometimes you get a rare opportunity where someone just offers up a recipe that you might find sounds amazing! This happened to me Thursday evening. Jason told me about his Shepard Pie creation and this is so up my alley. The recipe is below and THANKS AGAIN Jason for allowing me to share. My few mods I made? I subbed chopped asparagus for the peas or beans- and I added a little garlic, coconut milk and just a few tablespoons of greek yogurt to the cauliflower mixture (you might recognize this from twice baked cauliflower that I am so obsessed with-hence the reason as a "staple" I have THREE heads of cauliflower)

Jason's Paleo Shepherd's Pie
2 heads of Cauliflower until really soft
2Tbs Coconut oil or bacon grease
1 onion
3 carrots
3 celery stalks
2-4 garlic cloves minced
When the carrots are still a litte crunchy but getting close to soft add in
1lb ground beef
add spices, I used 1Tbs oregano, 1Tbs smoked paprika, some garlic and onion salt/powder. You can use whatever you want.
brown the beef
In a separate bowl mix
1/2 cup of beef/chicken/veggie broth
1-2Tbs of tapioca flour (or corn starch, not paleo) - this it to make a gravy type mix if you dont care about that then dont worry about the broth and flour
Add gravy mix to beef and veggies and cook until it reaches the desired thickness (I like thick)
In a 13x9 pan add the cooked beef and gravy mix
On top layer 1-3 cups of peas or green beans (I like a lot)
Take the steamed cauliflower and blend it until smooth and pour over the beef and veggies.
Bake in oven for 30 minutes at 350.
I also broiled for about 5 minutes to brown the top but that isn't necessary.

This is absolutely delicious! I had it for dinner tonight.

A few other things- how FUNNY is this celery??? The Biggest Loser celery??

I think the past week was a rough one. Who besides me is looking forward to a week with maybe not so bad news??? I saw this posted and I had to copy it. I think sometimes WE THINK we know where we are going...but do we really? For me..right now? my life is a constant journey- full of and downs..good things and not so good things. But ONE thing I do know..Is that I know where I want to be and each day I am just simply pushing to get there!!! Here's wishing everyone a GREAT week! May your eating be clean and your training be DIRTY!!!

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