Sunday, January 19, 2014 might be working- and a little reminder from my past helps get my mind right

 Its no secret that I have been struggling a bit. My eating is coming back around and I am happy about that but I feel like my wodding is still so off. I sometimes get so frustrated when I can't make progress as quickly as I would like to. I tend to start wondering if it's all worth it etc..etc..all that silly negative stuff that we as humans do. This week I came across this picture. April 2009 SLC Half Marathon. Its hard to believe that this is really me. I mean it certainly looks like me..I looked at this and kind of got my second wind for the week. Its all for something! Its things like this that I need to use a reminders to push me through the tougher times! This week I focused on some mobility for my achy spots-I have been icing and trying not to overuse those joints if I don't have to- hopefully this will get me back to 100% and get me over this little hill I have been stuck on!

2 of my favorite pics from this week of this baby girl! She has just a sweet personality. This week while the kiddos were wodding I got to hold her and she had discovered she had feet! So glad that I am not missing moments like this because of my crazy busy life.
She is such a joy!

Food stuff is kind of all over the board this week. I wanted to try something new and then my sis Amy was talking about clam chowder and all of the sudden...I needed to find a Paleo recipe for this. I found one. Its definitely not budget friendly. And I am only about halfway done with it so the review of how it all turned out will have to wait. Here are the 2 things that I do have complete. Cashews are soaking

-and veggies are all cut up (it's the ocd in me) and I think I have about another hour before I can start putting this one together. 
The link to the recipe is below and I will let you know how it all turns out.

Saturday I needed a break from my frittatas that I have been eating. Her is a quick and easy breakfast idea. Its literally 2 ingredients and takes about 5 minutes to prep. 

1 large sweet potato peeled and grated 
4 eggs
(I added a few cups of spinach in this time but you can put just about anything you want in this)

Grate the sweet potato and season with a little salt and pepper - a little onion powder and garlic powder (be careful with these they can make it salty quick) Cook the sweet potato through. I like to get it a little crispy which takes a little time. Then just press down 4 spots with the end of a spoon-
 drop the eggs in cover and cook to your liking. I leave the yoke runny because when you reheat them it cooks them through and I personally love a runny yoke

The cost breaks down to this- I bought 2 medium sweet potatoes and together they were 1.57- I already had eggs but the ones I buy are 2.69 a dozen-so roughly .89 and then spinach I have no idea .50 at best? So even if I used 2 sweet potatoes this would run roughly .74 a serving? This is also great to eat right after working out and it is not bad at all just cold

I like to smother it with hot sauce. 

I also opted to make a recipe I saw on PaleOMG that she posted a week or so go ago. Might have been a little longer. This seemed easy and that is kind of what I was going for. I am a little worried about the starch from the spaghetti squash but I am giving a shot either way. I grabbed some fish from my Dad and I have a big bag of salad so I will just eat this sparingly and see how it goes.
These fish are gorgeous!!

The finished product!!!
I followed the recipe with the exception of using fresh basil in place of dried basil and for some reason mine made this big pan and not an 8x8 so I will be sharing this with my kiddos- OH and I used turkey sausage as well.

Well that's it. Its all I have for this week. Kind of boring I know! I did get registered for the CrossFit Open last Wednesday and I am looking forward to having something to focus on and work toward for the next little while. I am excited to see if I can't break out of this little funk and really train like I want to!

Hope everyone has a great week- stay focused and if you have lost your focus..I completely understand how that feels! BUT PULL IT TOGETHER!!! Find a reason to confirm it's all worth it!

Croni- out!

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