Sunday, April 13, 2014

Go to HELL sprints..and Food does not have to be complicated folks.....

The evil track..takes away but never gives back!!!
Why does sprinting have to hurt SO BAD??? I am not going to lie....I wanted to quit on the 400's today. I can't quit....I kept running but I didn't like I didn't. Starting back sprinting has been a necessary evil. I think in a few weeks I will feel so much better about this. My Sundays right now are full. Yoga and sprinting...the best of both worlds!

Food..keeping on that not complicated grind! Food doesn't have to be complicated folks! Trying something new this week. I found this new little treasure at Costco! So excited to give it a go. I threw the sauce out- it was full of crap! Kale and Red Chard- snow peas-and sliced carrots! AMAZING and so excited to try this. Review will come next week.

SOOOOO decided to give my own recipe a shot. Have you ever taken pics with your camera WITHOUT THE CARD IN???? Yes...I did it. I wanted to take pics of my basket-which I have to admit is AMAZING this week. If you haven't tried co-op produce..consider it.. It makes meal planning kind of easy. I hate to be wasteful so I am going to use all of the basket. In my basket this week- artichokes, Anaheim peppers, butternut squash, onions, pears, small watermelon, bananas..I am sure I am forgetting something- then at Costco I picked up chicken, guacamole, strawberries, eggs, spinach, salsa, cucumbers (this was an impulse purchase) etc. Loving that I that I can just add to the already amazing things I was able to get in my basket!

So I decided to try a little Verde with chicken instead of Pork. I used the Anaheim chilies that I got in my basket as well as the onion. I used chicken thighs instead of pork. I seasoned with sea salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and cumin. I then chopped the green onion and seeded the Anaheim's and sliced and covered the chicken thighs. I then smothered it with the amazing salsa....after about 4 hours I cut up the chile's...I should have probably done this prior but since I was winging it I wasn't 100% certain of how this would turn out- Anyway I let it cook about 4 hours then cut up the chile's and shredded the chicken with a fork. The smell is to DIE FOR!! 
For additional food prep I also baked some Italian sausage and boiled my artichokes with a little garlic and sea salt! 
I love LOVE being able to snack on these. So simple. Had no idea they were so easy to prep.

I did cave and make a little Paleo dessert this week. Didn't quite know how it would go but this shiz is AMAZING!!!!
Paleo Coffee Cake! I have been trying to stay away from Paleo sweets but I am feeling kind of focused this week so I am hoping I don't go nutso and eat the entire thing in one setting!! Its of cours a PaleOMG recipe

 The smell in my house while this was baking was almost painful! I am always comforted by the fact it's "Paleo"

A post would not be complete without pics of my amazing Granddaughter. I have to say. She is a trooper. This was my sons bday week and she hung in there with every celebration just wanting to be part of the festivities. She is growing up so fast!!! Fed her a french fry this week- she has a tooth and she is working it fo sho!!! She is so much fun!! we are enjoying her so much!!!

Well...another new week is upon us. I personally am striving to have a better week than I had last week. As always I turn to my one source I love to read. CrossFit fave line from this one. "Be weak when you have to be. But be strong, if and when you can be."

Notes to Myself: 1

You only have so many days. So many hours, so many minutes, so many moments. All of us, even those who are in fabulous shape and will live to be 100 or more, have a finite number of breaths on this earth.
So, why do you squander your time? Why do you waste time on things and emotions and miscreants who will bring no good to this world?
Is it easier to do so? Is it less painful to waste time than to spend it wisely?
Yes. But it is not braver. 
Be weak when you have to be. But be strong, if and when you can be.
Do not mistake these words for advice on filling your life with busyness. That is not what I wish for you. Busy is not inherently better than rest. I wish for you to do the right things at the right moments, and hopefully for the right reasons.
Hear me clearly now: You have only so many breaths in this life. Fill your lungs. Use your talents wisely, and do things that matter.

Have a GREAT week everyone- eat clean and WOD hard.. Croni...out!

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