Friday, February 8, 2013

Some end of the week food stuff..And OH FRAN..WHY??

Food stuff first before I get into the dirty details of Fran.

I remade the twice baked cauliflower. I do this from time to time. I will find recipes I think are going to be amazing and I end up either just never making it again or tweaking it. I loved this. I love to substitute cauliflower for the potatoes I used to love so much ( not sure why) I still have not figured out a substitute for the yogurt and I pulled WAY back on the cheese. I omitted the salt and garlic powder. I used chopped garlic and pepper no salt at all. SO MUCH BETTER!! Here is my 2nd attempt. Very pretty. Freezes and heats up well!! Here is the link just for a reminder. So again- omit the salt and garlic powder and sub chopped garlic and sub coconut milk for the whole milk. DELICIOUS!!
Go easy on the cheese and pile on the green onion and bacon!!

Next matter of food business. Thanks Liz for sharing this tasty little morsel with me. Portabello mushroom, turkey burger with spinach, a little tiny bit of goats cheese and topped with my homemade guacamole.

So basically-if you have to do this indoors-this is how it goes-
Remove stems from mushrooms rub down with olive oil
put a small amount of o/o in a pan and place mushrooms smooth side down cover and cook approx oh i don't know...20 minutes or so on med low. (this is just how I did it I was completely winging it)
While my shrooms were cooking I seasoned and cooked my turkey burgers-you can be free here, I used a very little amount of S & P, greek seasoning and of course fresh parsley some chopped red onion and chopped garlic-once they are done layer as follows:
Mushroom on the bottom, a little tiny bit of goat cheese-some spinach or kale, burger, then top it off with some guacamole or sliced avocado. I managed to only get through half of this goodness. I have added a protein within 15 minutes of each wod (NO not protein powder...actual real food that contains protein) and when I get home to eat dinner, I am just not as famished as I usually would be. This was over the top delicious. Again thanks to my sis Liz for this amazing recipe. 

FRAN....21-15-9 THRUSTERS....PULLUPS...95/65

For those of us that CrossFit, you hear FRAN...and I can only speak for myself but I think most will agree, there is this sudden sinking ..why...who...what is the point???
Fran is that bitch that will take even the strongest, most nimble, most athletic etc etc CrossFitter DOWN! She is so very deceiving. You look at the rep scheme and you are 21-15-9..DO NOT EVER EVER BE FOOLED BY THIS. This WOD is makes you do crazy things. The combo of the thruster and pull up is pure and complete evil. 
So today..this WOD comes up. I wanted to puke.
Yesterdays comp/snatch wod was pretty taxing, 80 snatches, 50 knees to elbows, with a cash out of 300 dubs (double unders jump rope) and 75 GHD situps. I was feeling toasted today. My hands were tender even though I ice bathed them and I had a pretty bad headache all day..not sure why. So when I approached the box stomach was churning, I was was like that a moth to a flame. I could have rested today, last night when I peeked at the WOD I was convinced I would rest, yet there I was at the front door of CF22 almost excited to give this girl another go around. I pr'd this in October at a whopping 5:51. My only hope for today was to simply not do worse. When we do Fran we go in waves, meaning you count for someone and someone counts for you. This is appropriate and you should NEVER be allowed to count your own Fran reps...the delirium this girl causes will cause you to miscount. So last time, Jo and I partnered up and I went first. She rx'd this wod for the first time that day and her time was 8+ minutes. So today-being the kind person that I am-I let Jo go first. I knew she was going to kill her last time. Even though she has been modifying-she is completely UNAWARE of what she was capable of. It cracks me up and infuriates me all at the same time. Anyway she shaved well over a minute off her time. Then it was my turn. I knew I could do the first 21 thrusters unbroken, I have to because I suck at pullups. I was slower than I wanted to be and honestly this WOD as short as it can be feels like a freaking eternity when are doing it, Kat had given me a tip to try and breathe...I was trying...Liz and Jo were in my ear telling me to push...I pushed as well as I could today...5:50 Yes it's 1 second. But I didn't do worse, I did better and I will take a 1 second PR. It was a fun class tonight, Amanda PR'd, Jen Perry PR'd, we had 2 new girls that had never done Fran before- it was just good clean fun..
With another Fran behind me..and a mystery WOD tomorrow (this can never be good) I am going to watch one more episode of Duck Dynasty and call it a night. Trying really hard to get my 8 hours in. DUCK DYNASTY YOU ASK?? you can have the WORST DAY.. a complete shit day yet if you watch this can't help but laugh and smile. Too good. I recommend it. I may be referencing this more in the future. 
I want to close with this. Stole this from Garrett. Loved it too much to pass it by. 

OWN IT!!! 

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