Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank you Alex Terry, and some food stuff...

I am sure that many of you have seen this posted all over Facebook. But I can't help but repeat it. 
At CrossFit 22 on Saturday an event was held to help out a family with a son struggling with brain cancer. This event, although as hard as it was to see young Alex not feeling well, probably changed a small part of me forever for the better. In fact, it was at this moment when this picture was taken I realized how truly blessed I am.  This is why I am thanking Alex Terry and his family, for allowing me the opportunity to do something good for someone else. I appreciate the chance and I will be holding this little family in my thoughts and prayers.

CrossFit 22 Angels for Alex

This photo was taken right before the Terrys took Alex home. It had been an exhausting and overwhelming day for him at this point. He was coughing and really struggling and although we all really wanted to get a picture with him it broke my heart to watch this little man struggle. What was most impressive was the love an patience shown by his parents. Wow. Talk about angels. I am so proud to have been able to say that I was part of this amazing experience. I want to thank my family for allowing this to take place at their business. There is so much that goes into pulling off an event such as this with as much class and style as they did. And yes. It made the news. Channel 2. Its a great video. Watch it if you get the chance. Here is another photo that might give you a small idea of how many athletes showed up. I think many people had left by this time. I would guess it was about 130 athletes that actually participated (this is a complete guess). What an awesome sight to see. And again. This is one of the reasons I love the CrossFit Community. People showed up an opened their hearts and their wallets like nothing I personally have ever since before. I have renewed sense as to the fact that there is really so many good people in this world.

I will keep my food business brief. I am kind of excited to post my first recipe that I did not get from any other blog or website. I am sure I have see a variation of this maybe in the past but this is one I created as I went along today. I will call them Sweet, Bacon, Turkey and Sausage muffins.
Ingredients needed
1 medium sweet potato
1 package ground turkey
3 links hot italian turkey sausage ( i just push this out of the casing)
parsley( I used about 1/2 a bunch)
red onion I(i used about 1/4 and diced well)
seasonings of your choice
1 egg
almond flour ( egg and flour to bind only use your best discretion)
Mix all above ingredients together with the exception of the sweet potato.

Slice your sweet potato thin. I used the medium slicer on this contraption I bought a while ago. I need I would need it someday. Place sweet potato slice on the bottom in your muffin tin (cupcake liners are not really necessary I was thinking the sweet potato might stick that is why I used them)

I then layered 1/2 piece of bacon, meat mix-only fill them up about 3/4 of the way. Place another slice of sweet potato, tuck in the end of the bacon (i laid it across the muffin spot length wise) and more meat mix on top. You CAN kind of build these up over the top they do shrink up so be generous. I cooked on 350 for about 30 minutes. Just depending on how thick your sweet potato is you may need to cook longer. 
The finished product is delicious. That's it kiddos. My first very own recipe. 
With the leftover sweet potatoes I simply put them on a cookie sheet-mixed them with a little olive oil and salt and pepper and I have yet another delicious little snack. These will be great for post WOD.

I am making the twice baked cauliflower again tomorrow. I love it. I am creature of habit I can pretty much eat the same things over and over.

I did add one little morsel of goodness and thanks to Shannen for letting me in on a new way of cooking eggs. Heat oven to 350 I put a small cookie sheet on the lower of the 2 racks and stuck my eggs right on the top rack-baked them for approx 30 min then put them right into an ice bath. I know it seems more complicated than just boiling them but as she promised they were easier to peel and surprisingly enough the yoke was much creamier.
I made paleo deviled eggs- no real recipe. I used the items below:
8 eggs baked, peeled, yokes removed and sliced in half
1 lime
1/2 large avocado
spicy brown mustard
seasonings of my choice (as seen below)
Super simple. Throw the yokes into a bowl add that avocado, lime and seasonings to taste. Please taste this it can get super salty real quick. Get that mixture nice and smooth and spoon back into the eggs. DELICIOUS!

The only other thing food related I have for you. I have reconnected with my love for my own salsa. I realized today how great this is. It's fresh and pretty easy to make. I had some today with my fried eggs, lathered it right over the top. Amazing! I will post a recipe later this week. 

Well nice job Ravens. That was a decent game. Even though I am actually a Niners fan I felt it ok for them to win-because of Ray Lewis of course!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT week- if you didn't get to food prep-try and carve out some time to get it done early on or when you do cook- make extra so you have leftovers. Here is to a great week and welcome to February!!

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