Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Nagging little muscle issue?? Listen to your body..pull can thank me later!

If there is anything that I have learned in life...I can dish out advice but sometimes...I do not practice what I preach.

I have had a nagging little shoulder issue for almost 2 weeks now..and I waited a little too long to pull back. DON'T EVER DO THIS!!!

Here is my excuse. I have been working a little harder lately. Eating has been in check-I have been hitting the strength progression hard!! THIS GIRL HAS GOALS...but when I pulled the pull up that I feel nagged this muscle of mine..I knew it instantly. I pushed a little too hard the week following. Lot of overheads..100 snatch unders. NOT GOOD. Now I am paying for it. BUT what I did do is finally realize that there is only so much ibuprofen and mobility will do so much if I do not rest or pull back I am going to be in trouble. I am happy to report that I am almost at a week of scaled wods and the shoulder is feeling better.

I don't have much today. It's Wednesday so it's motivational share day.. Read this yesterday and LOVED it! If you have a stressful job like I do...this makes so much sense! And I kind of thought about this today as I did the HotShots 19 WOD. I love it all. The good, the bad, the ugly. If you have to have an addiction..this one isn't half bad!!

Courtesy of JournalMenu
I need it.

I need the blaring music, the dropping weights, the callused hands.

I am desperate for the the heavy legs, the sore arms and the burning lungs...
I crave the shouts and cheers, the pats on the back, the weekend get-togethers.

I look forward to the coaches yelling at me to keep my knees out, to get back on the bar, to push through it.

I love it. All of it. The good, the bad, the ugly.

I love it because I know how much stronger and faster I am today.

I know how many seemingly insurmountable goals I have happily crossed off my list - a single act that is so empowering and so intoxicating that one very well might consider it addicting.

One might call the WOD my drug of choice - my drug that gets me out of bed before dawn everyday, my drug that keeps me going, my drug that connects me to my family and friends.

I addicted - I need my WOD.
Well that's it. That's all I have..half way through a week that has already seemed 12 days long!
Hang in there clean..train dirty yet smart -weekend is just around the corner!
Croni out

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