Sunday, September 29, 2013

Time is so short these days....the little Basil plant that business...

Holy Hell! I can't believe that I haven't blogged since September 18th.
Maybe a much needed break for writers and readers?
Life is busy right now. And about to get busier.

Sweet Baby Girl McCloyn should be here soon! This granny couldn't be more excited. I feel completely unprepared. I have totally dragged my feet doing anything to prep my house for this sweet little girl that is coming. But all in due time. Not going to beat myself up about it anymore. I did score on an amazing little find today. I just could not pass this up! This cute little elephant chair was just screaming at me to take it home. So I did. I wish that I could express and show how really excited I am. I am just not good with that kind of stuff!

Hello AWESOME sprinters! We had the best showing we have had in a while today. I appreciate that people will show up and just trust that it will be well worth their time. Sometimes its hard to think of creative things but today I feel like I nailed it. A good mix of running and jumping. So thanks for showing up today and embracing the pain. I am sure Amanda was stoked that she was not the only one suffering with me today :)

Funny thing! My Basil plant refuses to stop growing! I LOVE IT! Both of my plants just died about the same time. I was in a hurry to get them in the trash before the trash man came and before I had to rush off to work so I just cut them rather than fighting them and pulling them out of the potting soil. The other day I came home from work and wodding, exhausted and a little down trodden. I saw this little pant and honestly I smiled. I love that it has continued to grow. Gave me hope! raised my spirit just a little. And honestly...I may have have giggled and smiled!

Moving on to food stuff. I kept it simple this week. My Pops gave me some fish and I had quite a bit of leftovers from my basket last week so I was able to get by with minimal shopping. My staples are really not changing too much. I grabbed beets, avocados, spinach, raspberries(the price is insane on these right now and they are delicious) chicken and my fav salad mix. Sorry peeps I am a girl of convenience right now. I have VERY LITTLE extra time so I am going with the items that will help to support my busy lifestyle and still enable me to eat clean.

My one recipe to share is one that I got from my sister Liz. This makes a pretty big batch but it's worth it. I haven't made it since it was cold last year but I do remember that it does freeze very well. I had pretty much all the ingredients from my add on Mexican pack with my Bountiful Basket and the some of the tomatoes that I picked from Jo's garden last week had turned green "TIP" I got this tip from a girl at work. If you pick tomatoes while they are green some of them will start to ripen, if you want to slow the progression of the other tomatoes just simply remove the ripe ones...not quite rocket science right?

Chop the following:
2 YELLOW CHILES (I used jalapenos because that's what I had)
Put all chopped veggies in a large crockpot and add 1 can Original Rotel Tomatoes
Add the following to the crockpot
Mix well in the crock pot-Please note- these spices are all to taste-and you can skip the red pepper flakes and seed the jalapenos to make it less spicy...although I don't know why you would!

In a large pan add a couple of Tbs of olive oil and another spoonful of chopped garlic. Once heated add in the tenderloin.

Brown the pork on both sides. Once the pork is brown add it to the crock pot.
 I like to kind of bury the tenderloins because the ones that I buy actually comes in 2 pieces and I try to trim it a lean as I possibly can. Cook 6-8 hours. TIP!! I just cook this in my garage. I always go at least 8 hours and then shred and let it cook low for another hour. I just usually eat this by itself. I sometimes squeeze some lime in or add a little side salad although it's not really necessary!

So my menu this week is pretty simple- I have the Chili Verde, some fish, lots of salad, eggs and spinach for breakfast and I made my fav cauliflower dish as well. I have posted this link many times but here is is again. Today I opted to skip any cheese completely and on top I added the bacon and parsley-just trying something different.
I also had an epic fail with over indulging on some Halloween Candy- I would recommend if this is a weakness...steer clear of that aisle. Don't buy a bag and take it home thinking you have it under are just fooling yourself..
I opted to make some muffins and keep them in the freezer in case I am needing something sweet. Also another recipe I have posted a few times but here it is again.

Since I haven't posted in a bit. I want to post something that I read last week that I LOVED! Courtesy of CrossFit Lisbeth...of course
I love LOVE this part.  "What’s the point here? Do great things, but keep your ego in check. PR, but don’t be an ass. Serve yourself, and serve others."

Pride goeth before a fall. Pride goeth before a miss. Pride goeth before you get your heart stomped on in a relationship.
Do the math. Pride can be a bad mofo.
When is pride good? When it makes you carry yourself better, or when it enables you to truly value your contribution to this world, and to other people. When it makes you stand up and say, “Hey! I can do that!” When it makes you want to give more, do more, be more.
But if pride is the source of your own trumpeting, then you’re in for some bad times. You just don’t know it yet. The annals of time are filled with stories of victory, then hubris, then ruin. It often takes time, but the universe is patient, and always gets her due.
What’s the point here? Do great things, but keep your ego in check. PR, but don’t be an ass. Serve yourself, and serve others.
None of these lessons are new, but we all need reminders. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Your own happiness depends upon it, whether you realize it or not.

What more can be said about that? Just a reminder....
Pride goeth before a fall...

Tomorrow is the LAST day of September...crazy how fast this month went by. If you struggled a little like I did. Turn the page. Start October renewed and refreshed! Make it a point to do better each day. The end of the year is quickly approaching. Are you going to be able to look back and be content with your accomplishments?
Good Luck all!! End September with resolve to do even better in October!!
Croni ..Out!

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