Sunday, September 8, 2013

WinCo...why am I just now discovering this??? Simple food...need to focus!!

So, the Mr. introduced me to WinCo. I am shocked that I am just now learning of this FABULOUS place! I can't believe how much cheaper some of the items are than at some other grocery stores!! I love the bulk seasonings section. I wish I would have had more time to really explore today!

This weeks menu-super simple. I am going to start by saying- if there are people out there with too much of a good thing and they want to share it with you, PLEASE TAKE IT!! If you are is a good time to step away from that and be accepting that if people are offering you up goods, the chances are they have more than they need.
Thanks to my Dad as always for the fish and thanks to Jo for having a garden that is WAY bigger than she really needs. The produce is welcome and so so SO much appreciated. It helps when a TON when you are trying to stay on track and eat clean. What is better than trout freshly caught by my Pops?? I can't think of anything right now.
Menu is
Tomato sauce with zucchini, meatballs and kalua chicken for salads.
We did manage to make it to the Greek Festival this weekend. I always love going to this because it kind of makes me feel connected to my heritage. When we got there on Saturday night the dancers were doing the dances from the Island of Crete which is where my Moms family is from. I tried to eat a Gyro...didn't quite happen. I did eat some dolmathes, a little bit of rice and of course the calamari and greek salad. I was watching my sweet niece Tenley, she was loving the calamari!! I ended up with left over olives and feta so I opted to throw those into my meatballs tonight. These are going to be delicious with the zucchini and tomato sauce. Its hard to believe that this large bowl of tomatoes netted me just a small container of sauce. I just threw them on a cookie sheet with basil, oregano, thyme, greek seasoning, onion and salt and pepper to taste and just baked until it was good and soft. I threw it all in the food processor and gave it a few good pulses to blend it. This is DELICIOUS!!
I opted to shred my zucchini and then I just bag it in sandwich bags. Super easy to bag and you can just dump the sauce right on top- add the tomato sauce throw a few meatballs with it all on a plate and cook in the microwave for about 3 minutes and you have an amazing lunch!
I love it after all my food is prepped and I look in the fridge. I feel that I can focus on the week ahead of me because I have taken the food drama out of the equation. Work is SO BUSY that I just have to be able to grab my food and go and I have already learned the hard way that if I do not food prep in advance I end up eating things that maybe I should not be. I experienced a little of that last week and now it's time to really focus and get back on track. I am committed to be 80% Paleo...100% of the time!
I am SO HAPPY to report that my little nagging muscle issue is finally getting better!!! I was so happy to be able to get through a strength progression on Thursday without too many modifications. And although on Friday and Saturday I had to modify and scale-the shoulder/lat is feeling better. So looking forward to being 100% soon!
Well that's it. That's all I have for a Sunday- other than the Kaula Chicken-I kind of just winged it on my food.
Remember Kalua anything is super easy- 3-5 slices on the bottom of the crock pot, meat of your choice and Hawaiian sea salt-and BAM you have a great protein for your salad!
Here is hoping everyone has a GREAT week. If you struggled last week a little like I did. Grab Monday by the throat and take charge of your eating and wodding!!
As always..must end with something funny!! Stole this! Croni out!

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