Sunday, November 10, 2013

You can call her Queen Bee...and a little integrity goes a long long way!

Scarlet "mean mugging"
Being a Granny is amazing. This little precious girl has my whole heart and soul. And watching my son and daughter in law parent in such an amazing, laid back and mature way has brought me so much joy.  The line from the song from Lorde comes to mind right here..."you can call me Queen Bee and I'll rule...!" She is so precious and so loved. I would be less of a Granny if I didn't share photos.
Precious in pink!!


My posting as of late...well its pretty much horrible.

Kudos to bloggers that can actually find time to blog. While work continues to pile up...on my plate I also am preparing to compete. The WODs for Friday have rolled out..kind of crazy. And knowing what I have to start with on Saturday? the MOST important thing I can do right now is listen to my careful. I can't get all crazy and risk hurting myself before this event. I am excited mostly. Here is what I am looking at.
"The Combine"
Each athlete (all divisions) will complete the following
Max Broad Jump
500m row (immediately followed by 5K row.  See 5K row for details on scoring)
Monkey Bars + Max Chest to Bar Pull ups
Pro Agility Drill
Max Reps Bench Press:  Men's Elite 225, Men's Open 185, Masters U50 185, Masters 50+ 135.  Women's loads TBD.
On Saturday you'll open up with a nice relaxing 5K run followed by 3 more events which will be trickled out in a manner designed to cause equal measures of excitement and anxiety.  Happy training

Here is how I look at it. I am not the strongest, the fastest, the elite or even close to it. I am usually middle of the pack on my best day. BUT...I am doing something that 3 years ago...I would have never dreamt possible. And that's all. I am doing this for me. To show me that I can. I don't care if I win, I don't care too much if I am last and I am righteously placed last by athletes that just outworked me...I have accepted there are going to be some things this year..well...I am just not efficient at and again-I am fine with that. I won't go into it feeling defeated. NOPE...I will just go and give it what I can and be thankful and realize how blessed I am that I am healthy and can actually do this. So excited to be competing with my 16 year old niece Riley...hope she doesn't show me up too badly.

FOOD!! How do I fuel 2 weeks before a comp? Well. I just drop out any Paleo treats that I may be indulging skiff of cream in the coffee after today, absolutely NO SUGAR and no cheat meals. I may step up my protein a little but I am not going to get too crazy. I wont use this time to introduce anything new into my eating I haven't tried me superstitious or call me crazy...its just what I do.
This week super easy. Scotch Eggs and what I am calling deconstructed stuffed cabbage. Scotch Eggs I LOVE and such a great easy packing go to, full of protein and goodness!!! this is from Maria's blog Optimal Nutrition which is on my right sidebar.

This other recipe-is not even a Paleo recipe -I saw this on FB and realized it was totally up my ally - It might be hard to read. But super simple recipes. I did make a few changes. First I seasoned my meat while I was cooking. I used ground turkey and turkey Italian sausage. I also added a small can of tomato paste to make it savory and I added about 1 1/2 cups of water. I love cabbage so I used a decent size head knowing it would make way too much!! I opted to crockpot it for 4 hours on high ummm delicious!

Kind of boring food week I know. But there aren't many bells and whistles when preparing for competing. My breakfast will remain unchanged - spinach with eggs and sausage-and a little side of avocado. my last little rant...I am going to keep this brief..and I am not going to post what prompted this rant but I think that if you are struggling in the area...find a way to turn it me..people will respect you more.
noun: integrity
  1. 1.
    the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
Please people...have some integrity in your life. From the simplest things to the most difficult -in your food, in your movements, in your interactions with others...Just please PLEASE have some integrity. If you are borrowing someones recipe-even if you modify it...give them proper credit!! Don't cheat your rep counts or your movements in the gym,.,,,you will never grow that way and lastly..Just be who you are. No need to put on airs or act like someone you are not.
I choose to surround myself with people who posses this. I recommend if you aren't...try makes life grand!

Well that's it. Its all I have after taking a week or so off from blogging. I want to be more consistent but right now time is limited. But I will be posting some clean eating for the Holiday ideas! Stay tuned-ALSO IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GIVING CROSSFIT A TRY-COME WOD WITH ME AT CROSSFIT22 THIS WEEK FOR FREE!!! WHAT IS BETTER THAN FREE????????
Have a great week peeps-work hard- have integrity and eat clean..

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