Sunday, October 27, 2013

B4B was a GREAT success!! Loving being a Granny...Oct is quickly slipping away..**SIGH**

B4B crew-photo courtesy of Matt Jensen

Another amazing event behind us. Its no secret that this my fav! We
had a great turnout! This is only a small portion of the group that participated. What an amazing group of people. This year we were able to write names on the whiteboard in memory of or for people battling Breast Cancer. I was a little emotional when I saw this board on Saturday. Tugs at my heart strings!

Can I just say that being a Granny is seriously the BEST?? LOOK AT HER!! I seriously am obsessed with her. She is such a little cutie! I call this her "What you talkin bout Willis?" face. She has my whole heart and my soul! Love my sweet Scarlet!
October has flown by. I can't believe this month is almost over! Last night the Mr and I carved our annual pumpkins. We have kind of made this a tradition. We are getting pretty dam good at it. Of course we use patterns but its still fun to kind of feel a part of the festivities! I kept the seeds this year. Decided to roast them. I rinsed them all off let them sit overnight-added a little sea salt, cracked black pepper, a little cayenne and paprika and just threw them on a cookie sheet for about 20 minutes. Awesome Paleo perfect snack!
Bountiful Baskets are starting to get light. This is about the time of year I start passing on the opportunity to order. The fruit side was good. I love what I got but the veggie side is so light.
I wasn't even sure what the potato looking things were. So cut one open. It was starchy and had a flavor similar to sweet potato what do I do? get to slicing on my mandolin and baked them-a little olive oil, greek seasoning and sea salt and cracked black pepper. YUM! I let them get pretty crispy.
I am keeping my menu simple. I polled the crowd at coffee this morning to see what people were making and Amanda had a great suggestion to do zucchini stuffed meatloaf. PERFECT because I got yellow squash in my  basket-no real recipe for this. I sliced my squash thinly.
I used 2 # ground Turkey-seasoned with my fav- S & P, greek seasoning, red pepper flakes-1/2 large yellow onion and fresh garlic-added some parsley flakes too. Used 1 egg to bind and a little bit of almond flour just to hold it all together. I cooked this at about 375 for 45 minutes. The last 10 minutes I uncover and broil

I am going to have to freeze some of this for sure! So I grilled the rest of my chicken. I have a huge bag of kale- I will cut my little heads of romaine up and I think I am set for the week.
We are less than a month away from fitness elevated. Today instead of sprinting we did a little bit of an obstacle course! it was a good time..How do you get ready for the unknowing and unpredictable??? practice a little bit at everything!
Well. That's it. That's all I have for a Sunday. Trying to keep my posts less wordy, WHICH IS REALLY HARD FOR ME.
Make it a great week everyone. Focus on what you are trying to accomplish! this is the week of the SUGAR!!! try and resist the candy if you can and if you can't...just get right back on the wagon if you give in. We are heading into Holiday season big time!!! Set yourself some structured goals and include a plan if you fail.
And as always- eat clean...train dirty!
Croni OUT!

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