Sunday, March 23, 2014

Simply put...again...Keeping it's really working for me! Countdown to VEGAS BABY!

Love the moments before an Open WOD starts
14.4 is done! I can't believe there is only 1 more CrossFit Open WOD. I am sad and excited all at the same time. Did ok this week- didn't get quite to where I wanted to but didn't drop below my minimum either! Saw so many amazing things this week. Dreading what lies ahead....I don't even want to say what I predict for the next workout. Nope. NO. It's going to be painful. Kind of excited about how we are going to do this next wod. After the announcement we just go-LOVE IT. Since I am leaving to go on vacation ish to Vegas on Saturday I like this alot. It will allow me to focus completely on work on Friday rather than running through my mind how I am going to do the WOD without dying :)

Absolutely still loving Bountiful Baskets. I am what I consider to be a fruit and veggie snob. I can't help it. If I am going to spend the money to eat real food then I want it to be quality and honestly  can not complain LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUS BASKET!! I gifted the potatoes to the Mr. and my strawberries to the kiddos- still have a ton left from last week- I have bananas, apples, pears, tomatoes a pineapple on the fruit side on veggies I have lettuce, bok choy, red peppers, celery and mushrooms. There will be a stir fry one night this week fo sho! 

Since my Dad is giving me fish, I am taking all I can get. For some reason I never get tired of it. I could eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner there is just something about this fish I love...which is strange because when I was a kid I pretty much hated it when we had to eat it. You can't hate on fish when it is so good for you!!! I just threw them on the grill with my standard lemon-greek seasoning-sea salt and pepper and a little red pepper flakes. Thank heavens I had to make salsa for a party- love leftovers and love dousing this fish in fresh salsa- I will be using this in my breakfast as well-which will be eggs, kale an bacon chunks. Which I have already cooked and packaged up.
Love me some fresh salsa- it had been a while- I haven't lost my touch

I also bought a rotisserie chicken-and some chicken thighs. I was kind of pissed when I got them home one of the packages was compromised. This has happened to me 2 times in the past 2 weeks while getting meat at Costco- I need to be more careful in my package selection because I am too lazy to return anything. So bacon wrapped chicken thighs. I put them on the grill but MY PROPANE RAN OUT!! I HATE THAT. Finishing them off in the oven. I will simply add lots of veggies to the chicken and fish. I still have a half package of broccoli and some cauliflower.

Faces any Mother can love!
You know that I can't go through a week without posting pics of my sweet grandbaby. I have to give a huge shout out to Matt Jensen who has a great eye for amazing photography and I must thank him for this picture he snapped Friday night. I call it my son and his mini. I get great joy out of watching these kiddos with this baby girl. I love that I got to watch her again on Saturday night. She is such a fun baby!! Loved every minute of it even when she was mad at me. LOVE LOVE that she finally is able to wear shoes....since I have a slight addiction to them...I must spoil her and help her to understand that as she gets older...when all else shoes. :)

So SO looking forward to getting out of here and heading out to Vegas for a few days. I have been working so much and have been so caught up in the Open I really REALLY need some down time. So excited to see Blue Man Group and Cirque du Soliel of Michael Jackson. It should be a great time-and sitting by the pool in 80 degree weather should be amazing!

It wouldn't be my post without something thought provoking...always my go to. CrossFit Lisbeth....think about it..

To Make A Fire

I was reading something last week and the author mentioned that to make a fire, you have to concentrate a lot of energy in one spot. In one spot.
That thought stayed with me. It seems we are all distracted, so busy putting our energy here and there, that we seldom concentrate our energy in a single spot.
This is often to our own detriment.
What could you achieve if you stopped disintegrating your own power? If you stopped defusing your own bomb? If you actually started fanning your fire when it began to crackle and blaze? What if you had a mental laser beam and you used it?
What if you took all of your attention and devoted it to one project today? Imagine what could happen.
So, try it. Today.
And if you won’t, or you think you can’t, ask yourself these two questions: Why not? And who is speaking here — sense or fear?

I love that..."what could you achieve if you stopped disintegrating your own power????"

Have a GREAT week everyone and good luck with 14.5!!! May the CrossFit gods smile upon us!!!

Wont be posting next week...taking some much needed down time!

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