Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thank you 14.1 for making me feel alive again!! Food keepin it simple..why wouldn't I? it's working for me.

14.1 is "in the books" and I will be completely honest. I have NEVER walked away from an Open WOD so satisfied. I don't want to talk about where I set my goal. I want to talk about 5 things I have already learned about the Open

1. Adrenalin will get you through that last rep/round-well.... adrenalin- my kiddos- my Mom - my sis and Jo.

2. Having a plan is NOT overrated

3. One and done. It works for me

4. The rest of the room disappears just like I thought it would-well except for Jo-thankful for the 3-2-1.

5. Regardless of what is going on with me personally, my job and my struggle outside of CrossFit. The Open allows me to submerge myself in something that is my heart and soul. Everything else was forgotten!!!

Silly I know. I can't expect anyone to really understand or care about my struggles right now. All I know is that after I did 14.1..I don't know- I was overcome with satisfaction. I won't have the highest score in my age group. And even though I am obsessed with the Leader board I love seeing where all of our 22 peeps are. I am so satisfied with how I did and I am so proud to be a part of this box. Some amazing things are happening right now! And I am realizing this is truly my outlet-my shelter from the storm...seems dramatic...maybe it is...

Well here is where I sit tonight- this will change by tomorrow night but right now I am LOVING it. #6 in the SW 72 worldwide. A girl can't be mad about that!

As always ..have to share a pic I stole of my sweet grand baby. I love this little Miss so much. Getting to see her several times a week while her amazing parents wod (might I add they are looking pretty smoking hot these days!!! way to go kiddos your hard work is paying off!!) is really the highlight of my day. I absolutely love this pic!!! It doesn't get better than this!
I love how she is just so laid back. Best baby ever!

Ok- getting down to food business. I have been really dialed in on my eating- I did let my hair down a little this weekend and I will continue to be focused at least 80% of the time. Its what is really working for me. And going back to basics...simple and easy- it works!! 
One thing I am loving right now which is really odd for me- and thanks to Maria for selling these on Friday night- RX Bars. I was on my last one! I am usually not an advocate of anything packaged but these are saving my life right now. I eat them in thirds. When I am needing something kind of sweet these are GREAT!!

So here are some other things I picked up. Huge bag of broccoli- avocados- the amazing guacamole that is individually packaged-rotisserie chicken-spinach-eggs-lemons-bacon and strawberries. I had a plan when I started and i kept to it pretty well. I did bacon wrapped chicken thighs- have my chicken all pulled and bagged for salad and I threw some chicken sausages on the grill. 

It was CRAZZYYYY that I was outside in shorts
and flip flops today cooking on my grill. I am so ready for winter to just be over I can hardly stand it.
The Mr and I finally booked a trip to get the hell out of here. Although it's just to Vegas yet again-and not the Mexico trip that we both wanted to take so badly. It will be a break just the same. We head out the 29th of March. I will have the Open behind me and I will really be ready for a break!
 One last thing I made. Paleo muffins. I have been avoiding Paleo "treats" and I will continue to so if it becomes a problem but these are delicious!!
Only change on this was that I omitted walnuts and added pecans. I made these as minis and had to cook just a little longer

Ok so I know that my posts have become long and somewhat wordy. I can only post once a week and I have so many things I want to share. So I am just going to close with this. I am not shy about reposting her stuff. Love CrossFit Lisbeth and her writing. I know this is long...but i love it. Hope everyone has a GREAT week- eat clean-train hard- here's to kicking ass on 14.2!

The Simple and Elegant Truth of CrossFit

You know what I love about sport? It doesn’t discriminate. The barbell doesn’t care if I’m gay or straight. It also doesn’t care if I’m black, or if my mom and dad were Latino or Lithuanian. The barbell doesn’t know that I’m a woman. A deadlift is a deadlift for me, or for a man or a child. The pavement doesn’t rise or fall under my feet because I prayed to this god and not that one. Burpees are burpees for the young and the old. Bumpers don’t give a damn where I live. Pain will come calling, no matter whether I have a lot or a little in my bank account.
And you know what I love about CrossFit? All CrossFit wants from me is effort and a desire to get better. The minutes and seconds tick off the clock at the same pace if I vote conservative, libertarian, liberal, or not at all. “Time!” is pronounced differently as a word in English or Russian or French, but it has the same meaning: your workout is finished. Sweat angels darken every mat.
In a world that tries to remind us of the differences between people, CrossFit reminds us that, fundamentally, we are all the same. In order to maintain our health, all humans need functional movement. And so here we have training centered on the concept that everyone needs these basic movements. And, in that CrossFit workout, we can make modifications for the differences between individual human beings while at the same time acknowledging our sameness. That’s a beautiful concept, simply and elegantly rendered. In our rush to improve, it’s something we rush by, but it deserves attention, and it deserves applause.
Thank you, CrossFit. In a world that often seems to be trying to tell me that I don’t belong, you tell me that I do.

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