Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Better late than never?? Good bye cruel cruel world..HELLO GIRL TIME IN NAPA!!!

The past few days have been a complete whirlwind..It funny how I anticpate this trip every year and yet I am never really prepared for it.
Can't wait to get the EFF out of dodge..I need a break, my body and mind need a break and I can't think of any better place to bring myself back together than in Napa with my sisters and my Momma.

So today...My share will be short. Again-I try and follow things that will really inspire me. I love many many posts and CrossFit Lisbeth will always  be my fave...but Journal Menu is great as well.

My advise- keep focused. Eat to perform and don't be defeated by your failures...let that be the drive that fuels your next PR.

I wont be posting on Sunday but next Wednesday...I will have a pretty good post of all my eating in Napa!!!
(Courtesy of JournalMENU)
Photo: It's a new day.

Let go of yesterday's failures.

Let go of the bad WOD you had, or the lift you couldn't quite get, or the slower than usual run.

Let go of the missed reps or the failed PRs.

Learn from them and move on.

Focusing on past failures only creates a vicious cycle of more failures.

Figure out what went wrong. Was your lift form off? Were your knees caving in? Did you forget to shrug?

OK. Fix it. Now move on.

Were you not rested enough? Did you forget to fuel yourself up before the WOD? 

Great. Learn from it and move on.

Focus on your game plan, how you are going to implement the fixes, how you are going to rest better, eat better and diligently go through squat therapy.

Focus on your strengths, on your small victories - be it a WOD that felt good or a lift that looked good.

Focus on the positive, on what you CAN do instead of what you didn't do or what you can't do.

Learn from your failure, then let it roll off your back like sweat dripping to the floor. 

It's a new day, and you CAN do this. 

#crossfit #wod #success #failure #inspiration

It's a new day.

Let go of yesterday's failures.

Let go of the bad WOD you had, or the lift you couldn't quite get, or the slower than usual run.

Let go of the missed reps or the failed PRs.

Learn from them and move on.

Focusing on past failures only creates a vicious cycle of more failures.

Figure out what went wrong. Was your lift form off? Were your knees caving in? Did you forget to shrug?

OK. Fix it. Now move on.

Were you not rested enough? Did you forget to fuel yourself up before the WOD?

Great. Learn from it and move on.

Focus on your game plan, how you are going to implement the fixes, how you are going to rest better, eat better and diligently go through squat therapy.

Focus on your strengths, on your small victories - be it a WOD that felt good or a lift that looked good.

Focus on the positive, on what you CAN do instead of what you didn't do or what you can't do.

Learn from your failure, then let it roll off your back like sweat dripping to the floor.

It's a new day, and you CAN do this.

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