Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Eat like you mean it...short share from me

OCTOBER IS HERE!!! I can't believe it...I love this time of year and this year I love it even more because my sweet baby girl granddaughter is going to be here SOON!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it.

A few weeks ago I asked a question. How is your relationship with food? Since I was asking to question to whomever might be reading this blog I had to stop and ask myself the same thing. The past 2 weeks I have kind of evaluated how my relationship with food has changed, and how it has changed me. I have learned that having a healthy relationship with food has resulted in some pretty amazing changes. I have learned to love things I didn't know I even liked and I have learned to dust myself off when I fall or fail. This is just a little peek at how I rewarded myself after a freaking insane WOD tonight...who needs burpees and thrusters?? NO ONE they are horrible and even WORSE together in the same WOD. PAINFUL yet so thrilling once it was over. Here I have Trout, a small beet and lemon cucumber.

What this is all leading to is this. Tonight I forced myself to WOD in front of the mirror. The purpose of this was to check myself on my Thruster form. I have a tendency to exhibit some bad habits that I do not really want to get into..(butt coming up first-elbows low-horrible posture) well there you have it. BUT something else happened beside me trying to keep my form in check. Have you ever looked in the mirror and been OK (at the very most) with that reflection? Today..while burpeeing and doing thrusters, I was damn near proud of where I am so far. Oh I know I have plenty of work to do and so much more growth in me. But for the first about 47 years. This girl is getting content. My hard work is paying off...and I am proud. Don't get it twisted. I am not boasting.
But I am giving myself credit for how hard I work...I am on a journey and so so excited for whats yet to come. And at the end of the day...I am putting it all out the end of the WOD..this image meant something to me. I pushed hard today. I went that place I often tell everyone I just don't really go. I didn't look first and then turn on the light...I just went for it. And here's the deal..the harder I pushed the easier it got. Not easy in the sense of the wod getting easy. Easier in the sense that I got comfortable there.

LESSON LEARNED...Push..and you shall go there..
That's it..that's my share. Call it self absorbed. But I have worked hard and sometimes I am going to toot my own horn. Get over it haters.

You know I like to end with something funny... and Jo gives me more funny than she really should!!! I am simply going to caption this

                           ONE OLD SHOE....ONE NEW SHOE... (thanks for the laughs)
You know we have all done this at some point.... know what day it is...HUMP DAY..keep pushing- eat clean..train dirty...appreciate yourself and all your hard work- and please...start working on your relationship with food!!!
CRONI out!

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