Saturday, May 11, 2013

LOVES ME SOME GREEN!!! ....and.."being a Mother is a thankless job..." WTF??

Going all PINK for my post today.. AND I am posting today because...well because tomorrow is Mothers Day. AND I AM MOTHER! :)

This is my FAVORITE pic of my Momma

First and foremost I would feel like a complete JERK if I didn't post just a little something about my Mom. For those of you that follow my blog. I kind of love my Mom. She is a pretty amazing person. Hardheaded at times and maybe sometimes down right obstinate...(wonder where I get that from?) but honestly at that end of the day (not to sound cliche') If I needed something. My Mom would be there and even when I don't...still there. She is not only an amazing Mother but an unbelievable Grandmother as well. So today and tomorrow Momma, I honor you.  Having 8 kids..and raising them all to be productive people in society is quite the accomplishment. Never NEVER underestimate the POWER of a MOTHER. Which kind of brings me to my next little rant. YES ...yet another RANT.

Have you heard this saying...."being a Mother is a thankless job...." I love that I can sit in a break room and just hear sh#t that wasn't meant for me to hear. I heard this on Friday and quite honestly I was appalled. Which is be honest...I might have actually said this at one point. BUT HONESTLY??? Thankless? kind of a push don't you think? I know for a fact that becoming a Mother might have actually saved me from a very dark life. To know that I had a son that depended on me..I think it drove me to be a better person. There were some times in my life that honestly were not moments that I am proud of. I made many mistakes. The one thing I cherish is that I was able to become a Mother of an amazing son. I look back and often wonder if I deserved it..but I did. It's the one thing that when things seem tough that I can cling to and know that even though I don't really know how it happened, in spite of everything...I am a GREAT Mother. And I hope my Mom knows that she is too!!
So Happy Mothers day to not only my Mother but my amazing sisters and sister in law that are all amazing Mothers as well. I love you all more than I can ever express. I get emotional when I think about it....I love this pic that we captured in Napa last August...7 extremely strong women...look at us...I am so proud that this is MY family.

Moving onto "loves me some green!" Holy CRAP!!! Bountiful Baskets did not disappoint today. The veggies side was over the top amazing-

And the fruit side did not disappoint. And as always..I went right to work getting everything cut and put away.

I recommend investing in a large amount of freezer bags. I find the GreatValue brand at Walmart to be kind of what I prefer and for 70 bags it's about 3-4.00...seems like a good deal..
So here's the deal. I am looking at my basket and here is how my food prep will look for the week
ARTICHOKES- turkey, artichoke and basil meatballs. I have posted this recipe a couple of times.
Remember that when I get a basket I plan my menu accordingly.
SOOO since I have a head of brainer- coleslaw. I LOVE this recipe!!!  The recipe calls for Chinese cabbage but because I have regular cabbage I just use that.

Well that's it folks. Those are my 2 and only gimmees for this week. I can't express enough how really important food prep is. It's so much easier to reach for fruit and veggies that have already been prepped and are ready to go than to have to prep them when you are having a meltdown.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wonderful Moms out there....and in closing...if all else fails....SQUAT.....





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