Monday, May 27, 2013

This girl and her grill...Love Thursdays...Teach your kids a little cemetery respect..

What would I do without my grill??? Turkey, chicken, pineapple and BEETS!
I think you all know by now that I am NOT shy about grilling some stuff. When I say stuff I mean FOOD. This week- super simple. I picked up in addition to my Bountiful Baskets-a turkey steak- trying this for the first time as well as just boring chicken breast. I have something going on with getting my fats right so I always go super lean to figure it out. No recipes to share really. I just seasoned them both up and threw them along with my pineapple and some beets onto the grill. Food prep made easy!

Love coaching on Thursdays!! It's Open gym but I have been trying to bring an extra WOD with me so people have a variety of things to choose from. This week I was ecstatic with how many people did "Me and My Barbell" starts and finishes with a 400 M run WITH the barbell...even when I told people to watch for the metal signs- still had a couple of goofs get a dinger!
Troy and Austin loving their barbell
Amy Hyatt making it look effortless

Saturday and today were probably 2 of the hardest WOD days I have had in a while. My own fault. But Saturday the fundraiser WOD and then today the Heroes WOD MURPH!! I finally rx'd Murph for the first time. Took me longer but I don't think I minded much. Both mile runs felt really great to me today. Strange..I know. So glad that I got up and went. But then again- I always am!

PARENTS OF YOUNG KIDS...I have to vent just for one very quick moment. I went to the cemetery today to spend a little time at my brothers resting place. Here's the deal. It was great at first. It was relatively quiet. Then a large family with a large number of young kids came and plopped lawn chairs down around a headstone. That part was fine, what I was MOST disturbed by was that the kids were just running around- over other peoples headstones, making a ton of noise. I resisted the urge to hush them. It's hard enough for me to go there and when I do I want to be able to enjoy my thoughts and memories so start when your children are young teaching them some cemetery etiquette. When we were young there is NO WAY in HELL that we would have ever gotten away with that. My Dad and Mom would have put us in check in a heartbeat. Teach your children to be respectful and almost reverent if you will at a cemetery. Sorry. Just a old lady venting.  

FOOD STUFF!!! SO HAPPY!! FINALLY PLANTED SOME HERBS!! It's not much -more pots will follow. This is my basil and oregano -not sure if they should be in the same pot..but I can move one if need be.

 Bountiful Baskets!
The add on mexi pack was great last week. The fruit side was a little light but that's always fine with me. Veggie side was GREAT-gave my corn and 1 bag of carrots away.
 As always got everything cut up an put away except for the butternut haven't decided what I am going to do with that yet.
So menu is quick and easy, turkey, chicken breast- lots of veggies, arugula, spinach and a quick and easy cucumber salad. All I do for the salad is cut up my cucumbers- slice my tomatoes somewhat small-chop up parsley and throw some olive oil, lemon and vinegar on it and toss it.

 Opted to throw my pineapples on the grill. These are awesome save for a sweet tooth. I put NOTHING on them.
I also made some sweet potato chips. If you LOVE chips and miss them sometimes like I do (although I might have eaten my body weight in tortilla chips this weekend...) I like to do these from time to time. Super easy- Slice them really thin-I like to use a small pan and just do a few batches. Melt some coconut oil and fry them up. I have had some trial and error with this for sure. I like to do half cooked well and half crispy and then I just sprinkle a little sea salt and cracked black pepper over them they are delightful!!

This week is going to be CRAZZY fun. 2 day work week then volunteering at the CrossFit Regionals which will be at the Olympic oval. So excited for this opportunity to again be a part of this amazing experience. I will be sure to take some awesome photos..when I am not getting mobbed...

Well that's it. That's really all I have. Well..except for this. I saw it and first I fell in love with it..then I laughed my ass off!! Everyone have a great week-eat clean..train dirty...Tomorrow is Tuesday already!!


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