Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pushing through a plateau.....Learning to love salad again??

Dear did I get here?

Well it's happened I think. I have no science to back it up just a feeling in my gut. This week has been a little bit of a downer for me but damnit somehow I am managing to get through it. I think that I have been pushing and pushing and right now, this is where I am, sitting on a little bit of a plateau. I have looked back. Have I rested enough? Yes I think I get more rest than most. My eating has been up and down but I think I am still managing a good 80/20 and that's where I want to be. Am I getting enough sleep? eh for the most part yes. So it seems to make zero sense to struggle. Bless my sister Liz for just being so nice and continuing to just quietly push me when I was being so freaking dramatic and melting down yesterday(except for the part where she reminded me I put the bar down and I had to do burpees) but she also said something to me that I am going to share-hope she doesn't mind. "here is what I have learned of late, it's impossible to crush every WOD. Some WODS are going to crush you-it keeps us humble and willing to learn" ENOUGH SAID!!

How do you push through what you think is a plateau? Well, again-I have nothing but my gut and my thoughts to back this up so here it goes. This is what I am doing-NOT QUITTING-I am not a quitter. I get frustrated and stop but I never quit. I don't quit WOD's I have said this before. I stop, I breathe, I strip weight BUT I continue. If you have to make just do it. Yesterday I almost cried during a WOD..ME!! CRYING IN A WOD?? I was frustrated. I am learning something about myself. I want more. And I don't want to make excuses as to why I am not getting to where I want to be. I feel like I have spent a good portion of my life in the middle of the pack. I have done some amazing things since introduced to CrossFit and hitting a plateau is not something I care to do. But it's happening and all I am going to do is what I know how to do. Push through it.
So, sorry if you thought this was going to be some formula with statistics and graphs to help you through what you think might be a's just a little common sense...Croni style.

Onto my salad business. I have said it before. I do not find salad satisfying as a meal. I prefer not to eat just salad. I finally think I figured out why. When I started my weight-loss journey. It's all I ate. I ate salad for pretty much lunch and dinner most of the time. This was pre - CrossFit and pre-paleo. I think that somehow I got it in my head that it was "diet" food. And we all know that some salads can be worse for us than a big fat chocolate donut. I still like to use it as a go to meal. When I am eating out and there really isn't a good option -a lean meat or fish with veggies or something. You can order it with everything on the side and pick through what you really want to eat.
BUT...with that being said. Lately I have rekindled my relationship with salad. There are some nights that I am getting home kind of late and I am finding I have to make something QUICK to get my dinner in before 8 or 8:30. Late ...I know.. So I am trying a few new things. The wonder salad from Costco is always in my fridge but for some reason I pushed it into the corner and it froze.
 So in my Bountiful Basket I had lettuce and cabbage and of course-already prepped and cut up. Today- I added 3 cut up asparagus stems, 1/4 of an avocado (only used a 1/4 because I use that as my fat but I used olive oil as well) 1/4 of a red bell pepper diced, 1/4 of a cucumber chopped and one other thing I have been loving in my salad is cilantro-added about 2 T of cilantro - chopped. I browned some turkey burger and added that but it all in a bowl-with a little olive oil, lemon and red wine vinegar (just a bit) and oh la la it was delicious. The salad was huge. Couldn't finish it all. So there you have it. Kind of short and sweet for a Wednesday.

BEFORE I FORGET!!! I am finally getting handy with adding some things to my blog so be watching for changes. If you look in the right column I have added some links to places I like to visit often-I have many more to add just wanted to make sure it worked- so right now I have the link to CF22 durrr...why wouldn't I? CrossFit Lisbeth, Marias blog and PaleOMG. I will continue trying to add little things to make this blog less boring.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Stay focused we are halfway there!


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