Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The POWER of paying it forward....I am rambling but I think the message is there..

In trying to keep consistent with my 2 times a week posting, today my post will be void of anything food related other than I downloaded a new Paleo book to my Kindle. Shares will come at a later date.

The news of late has been devastating. There is some crazy shit going on in this crazy world of ours. And I can only speak for myself but I look at my life..and back on my life, I can't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the way I was raised.

Do you not LOVE the matching outfits? My Mom is quite the seamstress!
Do you all think that Kenny and Jo ever in their wildest dreams thought that the group of girls pictured above would ever in a million years..turn into this?

Yes Big Sis Robin is photo shopped in

I would like to think that they knew someday we would all be doing something big in or own modest little way. I can honestly say that each one of us takes a huge part in changing the world for the better one person at a time daily. It is due in part to they way we were raised. And believe you me..we were raised on faith, hope and prayers. We didn't have much in the way of monetary things but somehow we were rich in something that caused us to grow to be who we are and as we have grown older having each other is the thing I believe that we all cling to.
Anyway- to paying it forward. I thinK that paying it forward is typically known as you do something good for someone after someone does something good for you. Hows about it we change it up a bit. Why don't we just do something good for someone else for no reason? When is the last time you did something, ANYTHING for someone else? If you are racking your brain right now it has been WAY TOO LONG. When is the last time you actually gave a SHIT about someone beside yourself? Not to toot my own horn but I make a VERY concentrated effort to pay something forward everyday. Each day that I wake up, am able to get ready for work - and do all the things that I love to do. I am blessed. I am not being churchy or snobby right now but ya...inside this tough CRONI exterior I am a pretty nice gal. Even if its as simple as letting a frustrated driver in front of me on the freeway, to pushing someone to do better than what they think they are capable of, to maybe just complimenting someone on something they are wearing...I am doing it. And honestly it's really not that hard. I add this picture without any permissions at all.

The one thing I have found extreme joy in is coaching. I am not GREAT at it. I am ok at best. I have so much to learn and so much room to grow still but one thing I have learned and what I can relate to is self doubt. Enter Carrie. The pic above. She came in a few weeks ago ready to WOD for her first time after finishing her intro classes. She had no idea what her 1 rep max dead lift was. Long story short. She was willing to stop at 155# and I was not having it. I kept pushing and pushing her. Her form was close to impeccable, and she was so strong. Anyway finally at 200# we thought we had found her max. I watched as with each pull of the bar..her self doubt moved out the way for her confidence to surface. AMAZING to watch. Love it! And not only did her confidence as an athlete confidence as a coach did as well. So-i heard yesterday Carrie pulled a 225# deadlift. Too good. I think that with this little story you all know what I am getting at right? It doesn't have to be something big, it doesn't have to be life changing, world changing or anything like that. But damnit, if just a bigger handful of people made a concentrated effort to more for others even if the impact were small..there would be an impact right?
I choose each day to surround myself with STRONG positive people who push me to be better. And everyday, I feel like I am getting better. Case and point. Love this pic Garrett captured last night. This could be any 5 people from our box. I feel that we are capable of such amazing things. Yet we take and make the time to still not lose who we are. Life doesn't have to be all serious all the time.

I truly believe that there is something to doing something good each day. Even if it's something as small as letting someone get coffee before you in the break room, move your grocery cart over so someone can get by, help someone cross the street, I don't know...just do something, do something nice for someone everyday. Maybe JUST maybe you can impact 1 person in a way you will never know, and you don't have to know. Just try it.
That's it..that's all I have for today. If it makes any sense at all...

Croni out...


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