Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Whacky Wednesday....Straight up competition mode....

HOLY WHACKY WEDNESDAY!!! Such a weird day today. Holy hell. First I woke up a little late and you know how that rush to make up for lost time and it seems it just delays things even more..ESPECIALLY with this hair! I got to work and the wackiness just continued. Sometimes I wish I could share the insane things I go through at work at times...people are just strange little critters. I will leave it at that.

I often tell people the reason I WOD after work is to get the craziness out of my head! Today -this held true. I got to the box even though I had to scale the felt good to go somewhere else and put the day behind me.
GETTING SUPER EXCITED TO COMPETE THIS WEEKEND. Here is the deal, I just want have fun-I want to leave nothing on the table- but I really want to have fun. Being around a bunch of uptight people taking like way TOO serious is not my idea of a good time and I don't want to come across as one of those people. I am not trying to win-I am doing my absolute best. I compete because I can, and for those who can't or won't. I feel that it not only helps me but maybe I can inspire someone who is teetering on the edge of MAYBE wanting to compete but is hesitant to try. If I can do it...anyone can.

Just a quick share of something I experienced from my last comp. After doing one of the WODS I was walking to the Athletes retreat area to cool off- this was an air conditioned lobby and a woman stopped me. She told me that her son was competing and that she was sitting with a group of young men that were trying to guess my age. They guessed I was possibly in my mid thirties....I AM FREAKING 46. And of course I was over the moon flattered and blurted out that I am 46. She was quite surprised. I share this because if you know me. I am always talking about how old I think I am. And to be honest. Sometimes I think that however, I wasn't afraid to show up to an open comp knowing full well that I may be the oldest competitor..and I showed up and put everything out there. Maybe this was a lame share. Had you known me 10 years ago...maybe not. For me competing is way out of my comfort zone. I get all weird and emotional and little wee bit crazy. But I love it.
Enough of that

FOOD SHARE!! Thanks to sweet Tori for bringing fish back from Alaska and mostly for sharing it with little ol me!! You can't buy good halibut here in my personal opinion-so here is my DELICIOUS dinner tonight.
Halibut with a little sweet potato plain and I added just a bit of avocado. Insanely good. Couldn't finish the piece of Halibut which was about a 1/4 of the piece she gave me.
Now onto my real share.
I read this a few weeks ago- and it kind of stuck with me. It made me think ALOT about myself and where I am in life. Its a little long but an amazingly good read!! Courtesy of CrossFit Lisbeth

Who you’ve been isn’t who you have to be.
Do you get that? Really get it? Do you understand that at any point in your life you can change?
Now, don’t go off on me here. Bills, obligations, families — yes, these things exist. Yes, they are important. We all have duties, responsibilities, obligations. I’m not telling you to get into your car, hit the gas, and never look back. Life is not a Springsteen song.
I just want you to consider this fact: You get one life. ONE. This one you’re living right now. And you either get to be happy in it … or you get to be miserable. Every day, you make a number of choices — each of which either moves you closer to happiness, or farther away. Or (perhaps even worse) you stay in limbo FORf#ckingEVER. I should know — I spent 15 years in limbo, trying to figure out how to change my life. So, I’m not just talking out of my ass here. I’ve been in the dark hole … and I’ve climbed into the light. Let me tell you this: it’s such a fabulous view from here that I wonder why I didn’t head for the mountaintop earlier. But more importantly, if I can do it, anyone can.
And get this: no matter what our circumstances or position in this life, we are all lucky people. We’ve found this thing called CrossFit. We know of a unique way to better ourselves physically and mentally. And, once we do that? So many more opportunities to improve reveal themselves. Mediocre becomes a bitter fruit: you learn to hate the taste of it.
And excellence, once it dances on your tongue, is so hard to forget.
Then you simply want it in all of your life — in your work, in your home, in your love, in your heart, in your mind.
So, if you’re not entirely thrilled with who or what you are in this life, take heart: You can change. You already have the tools to get started. Who you are is not who you f#cking have to be.
I can honestly say-there are many things here I can relate to. So do it. If you are not happy-CHANGE! I know...oh trust me I know- easier said than done. But I did it...and I am doing it.
Halfway through the week folks...Stay strong- eat clean-wod consistently and hard and rest when you should.

Oh and you know I have to end with just one more funny share....has anyone ever tried this excuse...and if so did it work?? CRONI OUT!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hacks Pack, Froning and Briggs....Another Comp week for me...Lord give me strength!!

Hacks Pack- insanely unreal to watch!!!!

HOLY CROSSFIT GAMES!!! I seriously feel like I have spent more time inside this weekend than I should have. Which is probably a good thing since I feel like CRAP again!! Not sure what is going on in the air but it seems anytime I WOD outside...I am doomed later that day! HUGE BUMMER. I have NEVER had issues with allergies..but lately..goodness.

I had a pretty awesome setup to watch the games. Seems ghetto I know but at least I was comfy. I sit in a chair in front of a computer all day. At least this way my back got a break. I know it's lame..I moved the bed in my spare room so that I could just relax and watch the games. DON'T HATE!!

Menu is going to be super simple this week. Since I will be competing again this weekend- going to be a little smarter than I was last time and not go overboard on my protein. I am finally getting to where I have a really good balance. So here it is.
Turkey breast...GRILLED
Chicken breast...GRILLED (going for lean meats-will get my fats through other means)
Later in the week I will start to add a little sweet potato. Nothing fancy just baked and mash with nothing added.
One recipe from PaleOMG-yes of course it's a salad..why wouldn't it be?

Tip on chicken breast- SEASON IT!!! I often hear people talk about how they get so sick of eating chicken..but something on it maybe. I like to season mine early in the day and let it set in the fridge for hours before I cook it. Then I just cook it low and slow. YUM! 
I love to cook my chicken like this because I can bag them individually. They are so easy to grab and go for lunch.
This week I am just trying to really keep my eating in check so I grabbed a few of these bags of veggies. When I don't do Bountiful Baskets I have to be careful when purchasing produce to not go overboard. AGAIN, with as busy as I am getting at work and just life- these are super easy to portion off and just throw in a bag for lunch
I also have to have just a little fruit, mini watermelons go a long long way- this one was gorgeous.


No treats this week-I never eat treats during a comp week.  For the salad. Ok..the dressing is INSANE. What I opted to do was just cut up all of my produce and then just bag it. I am not adding the chicken or turkey until I am actually ready to eat this goodness. On the dressing I did 1/3 ish cup of olive oil and 1/3 ish cup of avocado oil. I will just be able to pack this salad easier this way and it will just seem fresh when I put it all together. I absolutely love the sesame oil in it. So yummy! 

I just add my dressing into the bowl- stir it around and put my sliced turkey right on top. I was surprised at how hearty this was. I love cabbage and I love slaw so this is a good one for me! Recipe link is at the bottom of this post. Also- I opted to skip the almonds on this one. Just a personal preference.
I have been feeling like crap - Life has been so busy lately. I am trying to really focus on making myself take some down time. I think after this week I need to really start focusing on my rest time again- I have been pushing pretty hard with 2 competitions that are 2 weeks apart and I am feeling it a little. After this weekend I am going to really focus on making sure I am getting my rest time in because we all know- if you aren't resting like you should be you may not be progressing like you would really like.  I think it really comes down to common sense. If you aren't progressing...take a breath and a step back and figure out why.
Here's hoping everyone has a great and successful week- Stay clean and work hard!!
In closing...I always like to add something....well...something funny ish...




Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Ya hear that Rich??".......

I have NO food business today- this is just way more important- possibly food for the SOUL!!

I have to apologize in advance for my steal today, I really try not to duplicate what CrossFit22 posts...but I feel like I would be selling people short not to share this. The is a competitor in the mens 60+ AT THE CROSSFIT GAMES!!!

I kid you not...I have 4 seasons of emotions while watching this. On so many levels I can relate. Here are some excerpts that I absolutely LOVED!!!

"We take this as serious as Rich Froning"

"my whole CrossFit experience has been one unfolding joyful ride!"

"God willing I'll finish alive"

"I ran marathons, but I could not out run my disease"


"....this is my refuge..."

If you haven't already- watch this from start to finish! It's almost 7 minutes but I promise you won't be disappointed!!!
Super bummed that all I can do is just insert the link- so PLEASE click on it and view it from start to finish and let me know if you don't feel a monster wave of emotions!!
Finish out the week strong folks. If your week has been like mine so far...take time to throw a 50# sandbag on your back and do a few hill runs followed by a heavy deadlift ladder...Its good for what ails you.
In closing- I am not shy about stealing other peoples ish today. LOVED THIS!!!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Reflections....and some food..

I am going to apologize in advance for the fact that this post may have very little that appears like my regular Sunday post other than I will post some recipes and some food pics.

Love that this girl tricked me into competing!! Best experience!
WHERE TO BEGIN??? About a month ago Michelle Clements asked my to do a competition with her on her 40th birthday. I don't know that I really thought twice about turning her down. In fact I really didn't have any regrets until after I registered. Not sure why. I think mostly because I soon realized I would be competing with other people that I really didn't know. I realized that it was a high possibility that no one from my box would be competing either. That's really the only regret I had. WHAT A STUPID REGRET!!!


1. Met some amazing athletes of all levels.

2. Made some new friends that I probably would not have otherwise had the opportunity to connect with.
Love that this crew just welcomed me in and made me feel like one of them!!

3. Experienced the thrill, fear and pain of making it to the "finals" of a competition. (thanks to all the really strong athletes that didn't participate in this event for making this possible for me or us rather)

4. Watched Michelle compete for the first time- so fun to talk her off the ledge and help her to realize that all she has to do is what she does! She is a freaking WORK HORSE!!! Scaled or not she earned her way to the finals!

5. Felt what it's like to be the OLDEST person competing in a comp and making it to the last WOD.

6. Felt what it was like to realize I was wodding next to someone that is a damn amazing athlete and knowing if I pushed just a little harder I was going to her beat her on FRAN!!! (puketastic right?) Worst Fran time was after 1 minute max reps of OH squat and in the 100 degree heat so I am still so happy! (the person I beat ended up placing 3rd overall!) I am happy to say that although I did less overheads than her-my strategy allowed me to push past her.

7. I already knew this...but...technique...sometimes it really is all about technique...need to work the hip boost more!

8. Felt the pain of taking a 16 pound med ball straight to the face on your last desperate effort to get as many reps as you can. That shiz was neck is JACKED!!!

9. Learned to be just a little more patient.

10. Realized that I am a stronger competitor and athlete that I have ever given myself credit for. Mentally and physically.

I have to admit. I am very much looking forward to the Retro Games in 2 weeks. Having a partner, sharing the work..It will be a nice change from what I went through. Thanks to Elevated CrossFit- it was crazy but it will just keep getting better- thanks for a good time!

Now for food stuff. Bountiful Baskets was good. Thanks to my son and sweet daughter in law for picking up my slack so I could focus on competing. Veggies were-kale-using for breakfast in place of spinach, cauliflower-see recipe below-lettuce..Fruit was way too many almost spoiled plums which I juiced...not too bad, cantaloupe, grapes, bananas (see Rileys treat) and kiwi. I will probably use all this. I am staying super focused on eating clean because Retro Games is just 2 weeks away. After that I will relax a little in Napa.

So here is it...Rileys treat. Simple ingredients...Sunbutter, banana and the oh so addicting Enjoy Life chips-
This is SO EASY TO DO. Slice the banana, top with a little Sunbutter and add chips to your liking. I am not trying to go too crazy...still have a comp ahead of me...AND FREEZE!!! These are a delightful little snack!

This week I am keeping it easy. I cooked up some burgers and chicken breast.


Since I got cauliflower in my basket I searched for a new recipe and found one on fast paleo. 2 tips. Let the cauliflower sit on paper towels for at least 30 minutes and honestly...I left the seeds in the jalapenos (love spice) and added just a few shakes of coconut aminos. This is DELICIOUS!!! Also, I cooked this in my WOK just covered it with foil.

Hard to believe that we are starting a new week already and that July is almost over. I always have to look back and make sure that I made the most of every month that I possibly can. This month ZERO regrets. Life is so crazy, constantly changing if you allow it to. I feel blessed and happy and just so lucky to be able to get up each day and live life to the fullest. I look back even just 3 years ago and I can't think of  time when life was better for me than it is right now.

FOCUS on what your goals are! What do you really want to achieve? Don't make them so lofty that you are constantly feeling defeated. Take life one day at a time and know that it's going to come with disappointments and set backs...know how to handle them and forge on and forward through it all.

Have an amazing week everyone! Work hard, train smart and dirty and you know always...EAT CLEAN FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY!!!


Recipes below that I am trying this week (making the wasabi slaw only- too hard to get good tuna here!!)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I forget so many things...

I have resolved...I am not a very good blogger. Mostly because I say I am going to do things and I FORGET! It's pretty lame but hey..these things happen as you get older..I have to own it.

So here is what I failed to update you all on.
Eggplant. Simply put-another acquired taste. My Dad grew these in our garden when we were kids so I learned to eat them. I don't know many ways too cook them so this is all I did. I salted one side..let them set on paper towels for a few minutes-salted the other side-rinsed them then brushed on a healthy dose of balsamic and threw them on the grill. They are great to have with chicken I have discovered. I love them but, again- most people do not really appreciate them.

The other thing I forgot was my treat idea that I stole from Riley. I am going to save that for Sunday - NO TREATS FOR ME THIS WEEK- you cut treats during comp week.

I am now getting to the thing that sparked my memory that I had forgotten to post about. I often hear people complain that they don't feel that they are progressing or that they are not seeing the changes they would like- this could be getting stronger, getting faster and maybe just getting better. THINK ABOUT THIS. Are you doing too much? Right now somewhere, someone reading this is tossing their head back, laughing and sneering and rolling their eyes and thinking "you can never do TOO much"
YES...YES YOU CAN. I don't care how many protein shakes or other powdered/pills/oils and crap you think it takes to replace your body with everything you burn when you workout hard. (no science here, just personal experience and common sense) If you are working out multiple times a day and you are not progressing- this is a great place to start asking yourself why? What are you training for? does it really require you to push yourself beyond what you really should everyday?
I KNOW THIS: On Tuesdays I WOD and then do Oly class. I do this because I need Oly class. Often times and depending on the WOD prior to Oly..I pull back just a little. Oly is like a mini wod. It gets the heart racing and the blood flowing and you are struggling to breathe at times. ITS THE ONLY DAY I EVER DO THIS! Every once in a great while I will wod in the morning and then do strength at night.
I feel like this is true confession of someone, that when I started, I tried to do too much. Sometimes I am still guilty. And during those times, when I am doing multiple WODs and not resting when I should be, it threw EVERYTHING off. Historically this is when I am not sleeping well anymore, I am not PR'ing a damn thing and overall I feel like crap. There is a VERY VALID reason as to why rest is "prescribed" in CrossFit. (and of course this is just not FOR CROSSFIT-I use it because I CrossFit) And there are many many things out there you can read about it- both good and bad. So here is my take - for the complainers not progressing or if you are progressing, how often are you injured..have to take time off and start over....take a deep freaking breath...a small step back and assess this...AM I DOING TOO MUCH??? (end rant)

After I go off or kind of go off like that I like to insert something FUNNY!!!
I don't know that much more needs to be said about that. I did read something I really loved today so- sticking with Wednesday format- My Share!!
I stole this from Eat To Perform
via SouthSide Bully

Religion vs. Faith = Working out vs. Fitness

Some people work out every day. They wont miss it for anything. They feel bad if they do and they are very hard on themselves. Yet I have seen...
many of these people eat like crap, never take the stairs, go home and sit like a vegetable and watch countless hours of tv or computer time. They waste their time on themselves. They hit the gym so that they don't "feel guilty" with every other area of their life that they lack discipline. They are religious!

Others work out, but it goes way beyond their one hour in the gym. They eat right, cut out sugar and take the stairs. They get home from the gym and are involved in other peoples lives. They rarely sit mindless in front of the tv and are typically thinking about how their health can afford them the opportunity to use that energy for others. If they miss a work out, it's ok because they are healthy the rest of the day in every other area. They are faithful.

Know the difference!

We are on the downhill side of this week folks..Stay, hydrate, eat clean..and as always train DIRTY!!!
Wish me luck for Friday...WODS just came out....I pretty much am going for the fun factor and no much more!!
Croni OUT!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

You had me at "salad"...Comp week...Love the focus the feel...don't love Fran...

Well...its officially competition week for me. Can't say that I am off to a great start...I can say that I hurled after sprints today....It was a delayed 2-3 hours delayed. It was hot...sprints were rough but SO SO awesome. I love that when I sprint...that's all it is. It's me..running against me and nothing else. I get kind of a sick little sense of self when I sprint. I love getting there just a few minutes early so I can be one with the track. Today's aftermath proved to be just a little much for me....don't really ever was an exception.

Soooo....Thanks to Michelle Clements...I am competing this weekend. The qualifier is FRAN!!! I am happy that I know that I can do it..I am freaked out...knowing how it is going to feel when it is all said and done. I am going to try and not be a complete basket case by Friday and so far, with the exception of one eating and training have been on point. SO!!! I planned my eating this week accordingly.

I LOVE anything that ends with "salad" shrimp salad, macaroni salad, pasta salad, potato name it I love it. So kudos to PaleOMG for having a ton of recipes that I can't resist making when I know I need to add a few extras to my eating for the week- all links for recipes will  be at the bottom of this post.

Breakfast- could not resist trying summer squash pancakes-if you have ever worked with zucchini or squash you know it holds a ton of water. I shredded mine and let it set for a good while on paper towels to absorb the water-Thanks to Jo for letting me steal some zucchini from her. This recipe is great but getting it to bind was a bit of a mess so make sure that you let the water soak out before you try and form the patties. I will be putting a fried egg on this along with some slices of avocado. This is a break from my breakfast norm of spinach and eggs.

The next delicious recipe on Julies blog was a chicken salad recipe. I will be simply just rolling this up in lettuce leafs and or maybe not anything at all. This was so easy- I actually did 1/3 cup avocado oil and 1/3 olive oil for the "mayo" just perfect if you ask me. So delicious and SO SO easy to make. I went ahead and just grilled my chicken and then used that to make my salad.  

Last but not least- turkey sliders with spicy avocado slaw. I have to say- the pablano with the red pepper and cumin?? AMAZING smells coming off the grill when this is cooking- I got the sliders started then made the slaw while they were cooking-these are so great and the salad is amazing-good blend of spice and crunch.


Well that's pretty much it for a Sunday Funday. I feel kind of focused and ready to face the week. I am a sick and twisted little way looking forward to competing this weekend. And although I may not make it past Friday night- I love the focus and the mind set I feel when I am getting ready to compete. Since I am going into this one blind not knowing what will happen other than Fran I feel like this is the kick off to a few more comps that will more suited for me (age appropriate if you will...hey I am 46..I own that) and hopefully this wont be a huge downfall for my ego!!

In closing I have one thing I want to add. It couldn't be more clear to me this week what I need to accomplish!!

Everyone have a GREAT week- keep your eye on the prize..whatever it might be!! Eat clean and train DIRTY!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The legs are weak...the mind is strong...ISH

HOLY HELL!!! Yes I said hell and I am not even going to apologize to my Mom for it. She is probably thinking the same thing. Just when you thought you survived Heroes week at CF22...Wednesday brings you what?? ANOTHER HEREOES WOD?? WITH 111 CHEST TO BAR PULL UPS AND 222 SQUATS...Done. Didn't complain..just pushed through. Had to modify the ctb and went to jumping pull ups. I feel pretty damn spunky tonight in spite of it all. A great week so far..I feel beat up and spit out yet I am still going back for more!! Love it!
This seems like a good place to insert something funny..

Remember when I told you I was going to change up on Wednesdays? the reason being is that I should be working right now. I am going to get back to work right after this post. Things are getting busy at work-it's awesome but definitely cuts into my blogging time. SO today you get a share of something that hit me hard today AND- a review and a peek on food.


1. The potato salad is divine! Things I may change if I make it again- maybe add some celery and fresh dill and I may opt to coat the sweet potato in olive oil instead of coconut oil. I just find it kind of sweet-overall a GREAT GREAT option if you are missing good ol potato salad. Also-if you do not have or want to purchase avocado oil-you can use olive oil. I read it on Julies blog. (PaleOmg) he he I call her Julie like we are home girls!

2. The burgers are amazing. Got home kind of late tonight-this was my go to meal at 8:00 I heat it for 1 minute- throw it between two large slices of lettuce with mustard..YUM! 

 3. The breakfast faux McMuffins are great but they don't freeze that well.

What did she do with that eggplant?
Another frozen snack with bananas, sunbutter and enjoy life-compliments of Riley McBride
AND...a rant on ...are you doing too much??? If you are not might be...

Well that's about it- In's crazy how sometimes things just SPEAK to you. I am following a lot of different motivational things on Facebook now but it seems..CrossFit Lisbeth always gets me in the gut.
This is so me. It was me today, it was me yesterday - its me when I run, it's me when I face something I know could very possibly push me to that DARK place I hate going. I removed the awesome pic of Lisbeth deadlifting and inserted a photo of me running (thanks Maria for the pic..I stole it), sprinting, giving it my all...yet I still managed to quit before the 50..always slowing down just a little short instead of running through like I know I should. I need to find my redline folks. I have been afraid of it for SO long...but if I want to get better...I need to find it....

"Do You Do This?

The bargaining always begins in Round Two. The deals, the allowances, the revised strategy.

You attack Round One like a lion, a predator, a master of all you survey. 15 deadlifts? No problem. Unbroken. You rip onto the next movement and tear at the flesh of it. Screw you, kettlebell. You are a beast. You are going to destroy this WOD. Toes-to-bar don’t stand a chance now. Hard gaze, steely eyes. You have SO got this. You are a machine.

Then it happens. You finish that first round, but now your breath gets short, your hands start to hurt a little, your soul takes a big punch to the throat. Pain is here. And suddenly, life is really f*cking hard.

And that’s when you make the deals. That’s when you start to bargain with yourself. “I should break this round of 12 into 2 sets. Do 6. Let go of the bar. Save my grip.”

It seems to make sense … but the real question is: Are you bargaining because it’s smart? Or because you’re tired? Because you’re suffering? Because you’re scared of how much more it’s going to hurt?
Is your new plan in reaction to what is happening? Or is your new plan in anticipation of what will happen? Are you being smart, or are you being a pussy?

I don’t have that answer. You don’t have that answer … yet. But you need to find it. And, once, you find it in your WOD, then you need to find it in your life. Because if you do this bargaining in the gym — if you fade, if you make yourself a deal when things become difficult, if you settle — then you’re probably doing it in your life too. And that’s the real shit you need to figure out.

Imagine what your life would be like if you really knew where your red line was at. If you knew when to use your power and when to back off, if you knew how much your heart could really take, how much you could suffer, how much you could love, how beautiful you really could be. Imagine if you really knew yourself.
Now, go find out."

Well that's it. Hump day is over and we are on the downhill slant of this week. Continue to WOD hard and try to eat clean..WE ALL KNOW its what makes us feel better!

Croni- OUT!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Heroes week is in the for the week!

I am going to try and not get to wordy tonight. I say this often and it rarely happens.

I want to start by just saying...5 heroes WOD's in 5 days will get your mind right. I felt thankful, grateful, humbled, centered, name it, I felt it this week. So DAM HAPPY that week is behind me. The programming was amazing so kudos to my sisters for that!

Sunday Sprints....OMG!!! time trials kicked my trash today. I had no idea how slow I was. It's fine. I will get faster. Its good to know where you are at. The "cashout" was 25 minutes on the Airdyne. Since I do not have an Airdyne I opted to get on sweet lil brown. For those of you who do not know who brown is..she is my beach cruiser. I opted to take her through Centerville to 5th south in Bountiful-then to the Legacy 5th south trail head back to Pages lane, up through West Bountiful-into Centerville, quick stop at Starbucks and home. It took me about 55 minutes including taking the time to stop and take said photo. I love this ride...even on a bike with no gears..I needed it today.
I literally was home THREE minutes before the dear Lord unleashed his wrath with yet another storm.

Lets get to food. I have a competition in 2 weeks. Unlike any other time I am not quite freaking out. Maybe...JUST MAYBE...I will go into this one calm...odds are against it but I am going to ride it out for now. The qualifier is FRAN. Not super happy about it but at least I know I can do it.
I tried to use as many things from my basket as I could. It was light on veggies heavy on fruit.

Last week I struggled with maybe not eating enough. For the next 2 weeks that just can't happen so I picked my menu accordingly. I want to make sure that I am getting enough protein but also make sure that I am not going crazy.
I opted for something I love...meatballs..GREEK meatballs-Paleo potato salad, watermelon salad and of course..burgers. Sad to say this are all borrowed recipes.

All recipes will be at the end of the post. I have to always give KUDOS to where the recipes come from.
TIPS: the meatballs..made them per the recipe INCLUDING  the feta...with the exception- I used turkey and not beef. But I did use lamb. They are D..E..L..I..C..I..O..U..S!!! This recipe made 24 good size meatballs.

I used all fresh herbs instead of dried and mostly because I have them. My oregano and basil are going nuts right now so I am using as much as I can in my cooking and lets be honest..fresh is SO MUCH better than dried.

Potato salad...***SIGH*** what can I say? I miss this a lot. My Grandma Spanos made the BEST potato salad...sometimes it makes me miss her. Anyway. I made this to the recipe ONLY....I did add bacon. I have never made my own mayo NOR have I ever worked wit Avocado Oil. Which might I add is PRICEY!! This is great. It lacked a little tang for me so I added just a few shakes of red wine vinegar. That seemed to do the trick.

There was plenty of mayo left over so I might just use this with on my burgers. There was some great lettuce in my basket so those will be serving as buns for my burgers this week.
This recipe for "burgers with a kick" is compliments of Maria. If you have not noticed ..I have a quick link to her blog Optimal Nutrition  on my side bar
She has great recipes amongst other amazing tips!!

With the watermelon salad. Since I am not eating it right away-I simply cut up all the ingredients and put them in separate container including the "dressing" and I will just mix them together when I am ready to eat them.

Breakfast is as follows....HOW SIMPLE IS THIS?? I could not find the rounds they used to in the pic I am ghetto...I used mason jar lids and honestly if you hold them down while you put the egg in at first until it kind of cooks on the bottom...they work great. I opted for turkey sausage that is already in rounds and I premade 5 for the week. I added a handful of spinach...not sure how that is going to reheat. But you see how easy? egg on top and bottom-sausage with avocado in between and some guac...eeeezy peeezy!!

CF22 has a nutrition challenge going on. I am going to peek at the "rules" and try and flex my blog posts accordingly.

In closing...2 AWESOME posts I saw that I stole

Looking forward to a week of good clean eating...heavy lifting...good wodding..and overall just feeling like I am still driving the bus and the bus is not driving me!!!

CRONI...OUT!!! Recipes for all food are below!! Have a great week!!