Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I forget so many things...

I have resolved...I am not a very good blogger. Mostly because I say I am going to do things and I FORGET! It's pretty lame but hey..these things happen as you get older..I have to own it.

So here is what I failed to update you all on.
Eggplant. Simply put-another acquired taste. My Dad grew these in our garden when we were kids so I learned to eat them. I don't know many ways too cook them so this is all I did. I salted one side..let them set on paper towels for a few minutes-salted the other side-rinsed them then brushed on a healthy dose of balsamic and threw them on the grill. They are great to have with chicken I have discovered. I love them but, again- most people do not really appreciate them.

The other thing I forgot was my treat idea that I stole from Riley. I am going to save that for Sunday - NO TREATS FOR ME THIS WEEK- you cut treats during comp week.

I am now getting to the thing that sparked my memory that I had forgotten to post about. I often hear people complain that they don't feel that they are progressing or that they are not seeing the changes they would like- this could be getting stronger, getting faster and maybe just getting better. THINK ABOUT THIS. Are you doing too much? Right now somewhere, someone reading this is tossing their head back, laughing and sneering and rolling their eyes and thinking "you can never do TOO much"
YES...YES YOU CAN. I don't care how many protein shakes or other powdered/pills/oils and crap you think it takes to replace your body with everything you burn when you workout hard. (no science here, just personal experience and common sense) If you are working out multiple times a day and you are not progressing- this is a great place to start asking yourself why? What are you training for? does it really require you to push yourself beyond what you really should everyday?
I KNOW THIS: On Tuesdays I WOD and then do Oly class. I do this because I need Oly class. Often times and depending on the WOD prior to Oly..I pull back just a little. Oly is like a mini wod. It gets the heart racing and the blood flowing and you are struggling to breathe at times. ITS THE ONLY DAY I EVER DO THIS! Every once in a great while I will wod in the morning and then do strength at night.
I feel like this is true confession of someone, that when I started, I tried to do too much. Sometimes I am still guilty. And during those times, when I am doing multiple WODs and not resting when I should be, it threw EVERYTHING off. Historically this is when I am not sleeping well anymore, I am not PR'ing a damn thing and overall I feel like crap. There is a VERY VALID reason as to why rest is "prescribed" in CrossFit. (and of course this is just not FOR CROSSFIT-I use it because I CrossFit) And there are many many things out there you can read about it- both good and bad. So here is my take - for the complainers not progressing or if you are progressing, how often are you injured..have to take time off and start over....take a deep freaking breath...a small step back and assess this...AM I DOING TOO MUCH??? (end rant)

After I go off or kind of go off like that I like to insert something FUNNY!!!
I don't know that much more needs to be said about that. I did read something I really loved today so- sticking with Wednesday format- My Share!!
I stole this from Eat To Perform
via SouthSide Bully

Religion vs. Faith = Working out vs. Fitness

Some people work out every day. They wont miss it for anything. They feel bad if they do and they are very hard on themselves. Yet I have seen...
many of these people eat like crap, never take the stairs, go home and sit like a vegetable and watch countless hours of tv or computer time. They waste their time on themselves. They hit the gym so that they don't "feel guilty" with every other area of their life that they lack discipline. They are religious!

Others work out, but it goes way beyond their one hour in the gym. They eat right, cut out sugar and take the stairs. They get home from the gym and are involved in other peoples lives. They rarely sit mindless in front of the tv and are typically thinking about how their health can afford them the opportunity to use that energy for others. If they miss a work out, it's ok because they are healthy the rest of the day in every other area. They are faithful.

Know the difference!

We are on the downhill side of this week folks..Stay, hydrate, eat clean..and as always train DIRTY!!!
Wish me luck for Friday...WODS just came out....I pretty much am going for the fun factor and no much more!!
Croni OUT!

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