Wednesday, January 16, 2013

AWESOME SHAKE FIND..and what do you Aspire to be?? figure it out...

Ok so you know by now some of my loves. I love PaleOMG this is from her website. I am resisting the urge to make a new little paleo treat she posted (chocolate coffee banana donuts) until I get back to my pre-holiday mind set. I had this little breakdown where I kind of went overboard on my treats and I have to get that in check and the treats have NOTHING to do with this recipe..I might be delirious from today's never ending WOD. 
So I am NOT a protein shake, powder or supplement girl. Don't get all uppity on me, I don't care if you are-knock yourself out, I just choose not to put any extra things in my body that are not qualified as real food. Its just me. I have noticed as I have been aging and going through menopause everything bugs my stomach. With all of this being said I was ecstatic to find this recipe and even happier that it was delicious. I paired it with 2 links of chicken sausage and quarter of an avocado. (I paired it...goodness-like a good Merlot with a good steak? what the?)

  • 1 cup water
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • slice of fresh peeled ginger
  • ½ cucumber, peeled
  • handful of fresh parsley
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 2 sticks of kale, stems remove
  • ½ green banana (I used green so it was less sugar) and a handful of ice
You just throw all this in your blender and blend it well so there are no clumps just make sure you get that ginger blended because if you don't it's like biting into a small piece of green soap.I know the ingredients seem strange but they WORK!! I was surprised that it actually filled me up. That's it. My awesome shake find compliments of PaleOMG. I didn't make any modifications to this I felt it really didn't need it.

WHAT DO YOU ASPIRE TO BE?? I am having one of those weeks, you know the ones where you wonder what's it all for? and Am I doing everything to be that person I truly desire to be? I pretty much have my eye on the prize and a good strong grasp on that path that's leading me there. That being happiness, good health, great fitness and the love my family a good man and friends. I feel like in a way I have these things. But I am always reaching to get better, in all aspects of my life. I want to be a better sister, friend, girlfriend, employee, Mother, CROSSFITTER...etc. Not necessarily in this order of course. I do have my priorities. 
There is one thing I have discovered. When I started on my journey to find myself, I often found, and still to this day find myself comparing or wanting to be "like" someone else or have what others had and I didn't limit this to money and body parts. 
For example..wish I had gold bars like my sister Robin (he he my family will get this) Or maybe I wish I were more like my other sisters, or looked different. And I have to quickly reel this back in and remember that there was a time when I do not think I knew what I aspired to be. I was merely living day to day, going through the motions and was quite simply kind of lost. Today I know who I am. So first word or advise. FIND YOURSELF. I honestly and truly believe that if you do you not find out who you are you will never get to where you might want to be. This can be painful and LONELY. It is admitting that maybe you spent too much time in the trenches with the bottom feeders..and finding a way out.This may be admitting that you are not so nice all of the time, or that you are super annoying to most people or that you just aren't a good person and it could even be that you are a better person that you are giving yourself credit of being.
Most importantly and I guess my whole point is, figure this out quick before it's too late. You can't aspire to be like anyone else you have to find out who you are, what you are or aren't and then you start working on what you need to do get there. You will need patience. Trust me..lots of it.
Sorry for being so selfish and having to put this out there. Putting this in print keeps ME on track and reminds me of what a wonderful journey and I am and how lucky I am I was able to figure it out before it was too late.
That's it spill for today..a little whacked out Wednesday. 

I will close by sharing this...I have to give the credit to Jo for this one! LOVE IT!! Laughter is the medicine of LIFE!!

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