Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do you have to be athletic to be an athlete?... and that pivotal moment when you JUST KNOW

This question has been weighing heavy on my mind. Do you have to be athletic to be an athlete? I think about this often. During my past 2 years and my journey through CrossFit I have loved the fact that I get referred to as an "athlete". 
Do I think at times that athletic people maybe have a slight advantage? eh.. kind of. I would have to use my son as an example here. A former NCAA Div 1 athlete and although his college career ended premature with an ACL tear and replacement, this week in a wod the kid picked up a bar and did a perfect snatch...10 times-case and point- the athlete might have better muscle memory? I was in awe and I was kind of pissed. Mostly because snatch is something I struggle with. For my non CF readers. The snatch movement is one that, like the OH squat, is technical and pretty difficult to master and could go oh so wrong in the blink of an eye.
So I insert a pic here I took Tuesday night. Wish I would have had the where with all to snap his form I just thought about it too here he is watching his wife do LOVE training these kids. So fun. Last night I created their own little wod titled "Satan's Ladder" they killed it!
In Summary AND IN MY OPINION- No you don't have to be "athletic" to be considered an Athlete. Two very different athletes in this picture below. Doing the same thing.
Not sure why my son is just chillin watching his wife do burpees

Moving on. If I can say one thing I have struggled with the most is body awareness. My mind can process the mechanics of a movement..and I think my body is doing it but then....I look in the mirror and holy disaster. So today I post because on Wednesday I had a pivotal moment. I had a moment where I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the work I have been putting in is starting to pay off.
Enter the OH squat. Now. Those of you who wod with me probably already know that any form is something that I would refer to as my nemesis. Those needing translation-this is straight from Webster

capitalized: the Greek goddess of retributive justice
pluralnem·e·ses \-ˌsēz\
a: one that inflicts retribution or vengeance
b: a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent
Both definitions very fitting, greek goddess , because I am one (ha) and a formidable and USUALLY victorious rival or opponent


Last night, along with the encouragement and support of Amanda and her Momma Laura. I Pr'd my OH squat and with remarkable form at a whopping 115#. 
This is the thing. I know that Amanda is stronger than me. Honestly at times I get a little intimidated when I lift with her. The thing with that is, it pushes me. Its been since November that I have been able to even complete an OH squat over 75 lbs. I jacked both of my wrists bailing out of front squats.  Last night I was beyond determined to PR my OH. Personal record on my Overhead squat. 
Enter the pics. Amanda easily getting, I dropped this one but I shook my arms out..said something profound that probably sounded more like gibberish when it came out. And I went after it again and got it. 
That's yet another PR for me this week. 
Amanda easily gets 115# 
Possibly could have been the power of the purple???

So I guess what I am taking forever to say. There is a moment-the pivotal moment if you will, where you know- even if you have questioned what you were doing while you were on that path- that you just know that it's ALL FOR SOMETHING. This isn't just about getting a PR in the gym. This could be applied to anything you do. I truly believe that if you want and work hard enough for something-you will get it. You WILL achieve it. 
I bring up again Laura-Amandas Mom-as we went through this ladder of OH squats she talked about how she overcame her fear this same night of jumping. She talked about how on just Monday of this week she stood petrified in front of a box unable to jump and how on this night- the night of pivotal moments- she jumped. And her eyes sparkled and she smiled! Awesome

That's it folks. It's all I have. What a week so far. I end with a little CrossFit Lisbeth 

Things of Might

Things of might are not born that way.
They become mighty, after years of work. They make themselves, with help from others.
Things of might are born much, much less.
Why do you think it would be any different for you?

Finish the week off strong friends. The only thing standing between you and YOU!

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