Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DNF's and DFS must go hand in hand...

Being sick SUCKS! I don't think you realize how blessed you are to have good health until you are feeling under the weather. I have spent the better part of the past 5 days laid up on the couch like NOT me..I am way too active to have to deal with trying to rest. First of all my sleep pattern is so interrupted right now I can't see straight. I felt tired so I tried to sleep which was great getting little cat naps, not so great at 1 AM this morning, laying there wide awake knowing I had to go to work in 5 hours. Bleh. Secondly -to get any relief you have to take SOMETHING -I tried Dayquil and then quickly realized it was making me more lethargic than anything. So today I finally just started searching for something other than OTC meds that I could take. EUREKA...I should have realized and remembered what my Mother used to have us do for sore throats when we were kids..good ol gargle with salt water! Its helping ever so slightly!!

Enough with my sickness rant. I don't really have alot of Hey Happy New Years did you write all your resos down?  I just hope REALLY HOPE that if any of them had anything to do with changing your appearance- this doesn't have to be weight loss related mind you- that you took a picture. This is ONE thing I wish that as I started this journey I would have kept better track of. It's something I still need to do to remind myself that even though sometimes I get off track..I have the tools in my tool box to quickly turn that around and the first thing I will do it shoot that "before" pic however slight the change may be-it could be a change that keeps me on track when I want to fail.
So, even though I probably shouldn't have I did go WOD can't keep me away from a WOD with a deadlift's my thing-I don't have many movements I can do well but I think if there were 1 movement I do at least better than the's my sweet deadlifts.
Here's the deal. I have NEVER in my history as a CrossFitter..which is just over 2 years, I have never wanted to just QUIT a WOD as bad as I wanted to quit this one today. It's called a DNF meaning you didn't finish...uh not finish? so sorry that's just not me. I looked around..I grabbed my bar alot..I swore more than 100 times I looked at my sis Liz in desperation as she calmly told me to keep going and shook her head that she understood I was struggling, which normally she would tell me to get moving I can breathe when I am done. This brings me to DFS. Dont F**king stop. You will see this logo on shirts around our box alot-and other places of well but there are alot at CF22-this comes from Garrett Smith. I recommend you "like" his FB page if you haven't already it's another great source to pull inspiration from.
So tonight..I didn't DNF and I DFS'd that wod. So I guess the moral to this story is pretty simple..when you are wanting to DNF (and it's BS if you are sitting there acting like you have never wanted to quit a wod) you simply DFS.
I hope Garrett (and Matt Jensen) do not mind that I grabbed this pic. I love the saying SO MUCH and I love that it's a pic of my sis!!
OH and btw..I am sure some people are probably over me posting pics of my sis and family and such. Well here's the deal- family first- also-I do not pintrest, nor do I instagram and whatever else is out there. So most of my pics will be real pics of real peeps that I actually know.
Weekend is closer than ever!

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