Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to Basics..bake that bacon...hero status Ray Lewis...

I will work my way backward through the title today. 
Ray Lewis. A giant of a man. 17 years in the NFL is impressive. I think why I am writing this and posting about it is based on the fact that I was able to catch some interviews today and they were interviewing his teammates about how they felt about him retiring and I was completely impressed with what they had to say and how they talked about what an example he is, a role model, how important family is..etc. In this day and age where it seems professional and former professional athletes (really just athletes in general) can not really be considered role models, some of their lives are downtrodden with issues of substance abuse, domestic abuse, gambling with many ending up broke, broken, incarcerated, deceased, etc. it seems we need more athletes like him to guide the new generation. Just wanted to state I was impressed and moved with how his teammates put him on a pedestal today and kudos to a career that seems long to me in the NFL. 

BACK TO BASICS: This is what you do when you feel like you have gotten slightly "off track" There are always staples that you will find you are going to love. For me? It's either meatloaf of meatballs. Figure out what your "basics" are and get to work on getting them prepped for the week. These are probably items that may not require a real recipe and might even be something you have put your own twist on. Just get back to what's simple and quick. Its really all in the prep that will help get you back and keep you on track.

My menu this week looks a little like this- chicken meatballs with home made tomato sauce and spaghetti squash, crockpot chicken thighs in buffalo sauce with jalapeno cauliflower mash (yes I love this and make it probably 2 times  month) baked sweet potatoes with ground turkey, bacon, avocado and topped with a fried egg (this is a recipe I stole from Andy Gunther) I haven't had this since Fitness Elevated but it's something I always go back to when i haven't had it on overload. 
Andys recipe Sweet Potato on the bottom, ground turkey 1 piece of bacon, avocado and fried egg!
 Recipes go like this-I got this one of Multiply Delicious and it's made with a zucchini pesto which is delicious I just prefer my tomato sauce and spaghetti squash. The things I like about this- the parsley- the carrots in the chicken it's just a different kind of meatball-my tricks? I now cook my meatballs in my mini muffin tin. Makes just the right size meatballs. Here is the recipe and the link should you want to give the zucchini a whirl

Chicken Veggie Meatballs
1 cup zucchini, chopped (about 1 zucchini)
1 cup carrots, chopped (about 2 medium carrots)
½ cup parsley, coarsely chopped
3 medium garlic cloves, minced
¼ cup blanched almond flour
1 egg
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon ground pepper
¼ teaspoon chili powder (optional)
Preheat oven to 350
In a food processor, pulse together the zucchini, carrots, parsley and garlic.
Add almond flour, egg, chicken and pulse.
Then add salt, pepper and chili powder and process until thoroughly combined.
Drop tablespoon size balls of the chicken mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet.
Bake 23 to 28 minutes.

The crockpot chicken thighs are just a spin off from a recipe I got from Marias website!/2012/10/slow-cooker-meals.html

I use boneless skinless thighs and cut off the excess fat and I season them up good and give them a good bath in hot sauce-and when they are cooked I put them on a pan and give them a good broil. These freeze GREAT! Just plan on letting them thaw completely or throw them in a pan with foil and heat them in the oven

With the spaghetti squash you have 2 options- you can bake it- I think today I baked it on 400 for about 20 minutes or you can wrap them after you cut it and scoop out the seeds and microwave them for about 10 minutes. You simply scoop out the goodness and use it as you would pasta or noodles. My tomato sauce is simple as well. I use roma tomatoes, I just cut them up with a red onion some garlic and when I can find good basil I use that-season with some salt and pepper-i just bake that for about 20 minutes approx and then I just throw it in the food processor and give it a quick couple of pulses. If course you can always use bottled but this is super simple to make and you know exactly what's in it.

LASTLY!!! My last thing- BAKE THAT BACON. I forgot how much I prefer doing this than having it cook in a pan. After it bakes to the crispness I like I just take it off lay it on some paper towel and blot it with paper towel. I like to keep some cooked bacon on hand just in case. 

Looking forward to getting back into my routine this week! I am coughing still but I feel at least 75% better! Can't wait to do some comp class and get back into wodding! 

Good luck everyone! Cheers to a healthy and consistent workout week!

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