Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections and recommendations.

Wow. Gone's hard to believe. What a crazy year and a fun year and an insightful year. I want to recap some of my favorite moments from 2012 in the best order I know how
1. My son got married. Love this kid and the addition he brought to our family.

Big family on both sides!!

2. The CrossFit Games 2012 Open. Learned ALOT about myself during this time.
I did alot of soul this..cant wait for 2013 Open!
just wondering what in the HELL just happened.
3. My sister Kat went to Regionals for the CrossFit Games.
4. Girls Trip to Napa WITH my Momma this year-the prior year she was on a mission.
5. My sister Liz and brother Matty kick serious booty at the Retro Games with great team members Terry and Marci. That 5 is for 5th place!

6. All the athletes from CF22 kick bootay at Fitness Elevated-Chad took a 4th in the Masters Men, I tied for 3rd in the womens masters, so was technically 4th-Liz (sister) placed 10th, Amy(sister) 13th in the women's elite. Matt (brother) placed 18th in the Mens elite-and sorry guys I thought I could grab the rest of the results but I can't so a great showing also from Marci-women's elite, Christy women's open, Sharae women's open, Mindy women's open, Alyssa women's open and Jason Mens elite I think? And Terry although he knew he couldn't compete the 2nd day showed up for day 1 anyway.
Masters division is no joke..look at that bar!

These are just a small fraction of SOME of the events of 2012 that made the year so great-there are so many I can't even put on here or this post would be forever long. Trips to Vegas with my sweetie, family dinners and parties, the CF22 summer BBQ-the Ogden half marathon, my sister Robins trips to Utah. Just being with family in general. I feel so blessed.

So here is my bleh for 2013.
If one of your goals for this upcoming year is to change something about yourself physically TAKE A PICTURE TODAY. Hide it in a safe place or post it in an obvious place. Refer to it often to stay on track.
Don't talk about it...BE about it.
Don't just make a goal or a resolution and then just give it lip service..put some damn work in. If there is something about yourself, ANYTHING you want to change, the only thing that stands between you and you is YOU!
 Quit with the bullshit and stand up and make something happen.
There is nothing more empowering to me than putting my chalked up hands around a bar and pulling a weight I never thought I could..I use this as a metaphor now-chalk up those hands...get your mind and form right..grip that bar and PULL. There is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it but you will accomplish NOTHING if you don't even TRY.
Don't be afraid to fail. Fail often, from our failures is where we find our success.

As I spend my New Years eve doped up on Dayquil on the couch with a blanket on-I have a few things in my mind I want to accomplish this year. I am so excited for 2013. I have high hopes and big dreams and you should too.

I will close 2012 with one of my favorite quotes
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life"
Muhammad Ali

Here's and Cheers to a happy, healthy and successful 2013. One full of happiness, pr's, rx's and so on and so forth...


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