Monday, December 10, 2012

A big fat strong Monday is in the books!!

Since my first 2 posts were super wordy and quite long- I am going to keep this short and sweet..if that is possible with someone with so many words.
First-hope everyone had a great and successful eating day. I was pleasantly surprised at the peeks at my crazy OCD ish blog. I know that through this blog even if you NEVER comment and all you do is graze or stalk-I might have something for you and that makes me happy.
Again- it's simple for me-I have embraced CF and Paleo as my way of life. I just want to share and have a central location to share this stuff!

Today's WOD holy CRAP!! Snatches and Chest 2 my nephews say and now all of us do HEZ my life! Got through it..the best part I was able to stay after and do a comp wod (this stands for competition in case you are wondering..yes..I am going to compete). I am glad I did and I am glad that poor Amanda stayed and did it with me. So much funner to drop heavy weights in twos rather than by yourself. I wished I could have showed off a little more.
That brings me to today's topic.
"I am afraid I am going to get bulky"- "when I lift heavy weights I gain weight" I never stop being just almost offended by these statements. I have also actually had people tell me that they do not want to look like my sisters...HAVE YOU SEEN THEM?? I have spent several decades wishing I could look like them. Get over yourself. My sisters have spent YEARS working name it to get to look the way they do. Trust wont get there. Your attitude alone tells me you wont get there.
So my crap for today- Get over yourself-throw out your scale-use skinny jeans as a measurement - except after a heavy squats day-Ha! Ladies- LIFT HEAVY-DO IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. It is seriously one of the most exhilarating and liberating and empowering things that I have been able to do in my life(runs a close second to being a kick ass Mom). Don't be afraid of the barbell...pick it it..embrace it..chalk it up if you have to but please...stop being afraid...That's it. No food advise today...that will happen tomorrow.


  1. Hmmm . . . so this will be my secret way of getting my Joni fix! ; ) Miss chasing you in the gym everyday and your endless food knowledge. Love your attitude and passion for what you do and what you believe in! Your awesome!! That is all.

  2. Aww Des miss your face!! Thanks for the kind words!!!
