Monday, December 17, 2012

Myths and muffin top Monday

I will start with "what in the HELL is muffin top Monday?"

Its silly really. I have this thing I do. Every Monday I wear a "less fitted" Lulu top when I go to WOD. Why do I do this? Well mostly because I am a fool but I think that most of the time I like to convince myself that I have eaten so poorly over the weekend my "muffin top" is huge and I need to wear these tops to make myself feel comfortable. HOWEVER, this weekend I didn't indulge at all. This is a habit I hope to lose soon. That's all that is.

NEXT, oh I have been waiting all day to post this. I was asked some GREAT questions today. I love that have people willing to ask my opinion on things and be ready for a very straight forward response. 3 questions I was asked today.
1. Have you ever tried a "(insert days here)" cleanse?

OK. NO I don't even know what this is this person asked me about-and when I found out-I don't know what drinking lemon water with cayenne pepper for however many days is supposed to do. I don't even want to research what a "cleanse" is for because honestly it seems ridiculous and although this person tried to convince me this was NOT for weight loss -I call BS. Anytime you deprive your body of any food (could be wrong on the no food thing)and the nutrition it needs, it's an accident waiting to happen.
I don't believe that pills, juice or starving yourself for any reason unless you are having surgery and the doctor has advised you to not eat for a certain period of time, is smart. In fact its quite stupid. How is that for an awesome response? again-just my opinion its not a topic that I have an interest in and it's not anything I want to promote.

2. Do you ever fast.  On purpose? No I don't. I have talked to some people who do fast. I personally don't. I get horrible headaches when I do not eat on my schedule and I find that distracting and uncomfortable. I recommend doing your research as to why you should or would ever do this. I do from time to time have episodes which I like to call "accidental fasting". Its Saturday..I get up early and WOD..I go to Saturday coffee..I extend this into the 11 or 12 o'clock hour. I have missed breakfast and could possibly miss lunch. That's it.

I saved the best for last. I think I get asked this at least once a week.
3. "You CrossFit? Isn't that dangerous?" Oh man..I love this question. My response is pretty much always the same. I always talk about how you can fall down the stairs that's dangerous or ask them have they ever pushed a cart around WalMart when it's crowded? THAT is more dangerous than CrossFit. I always do want to come back around and just explain that any kind of sport is going to have the possibility of injuries. There really is no way to avoid it but there are a MILLION ways to minimize that risk. I ALWAYS tell people WHY I choose to WOD at a CrossFit affiliate with coaches that are not only personal trainers but CrossFit Certified. And yes. My sisters and brother in law own the box I WOD at in fact in my family we currently have 7 CF Level 1 certified coaches myself included. Even if the box closed today I would still not choose to wod at just some random place. I would seek out an affiliate and wod with people whose first concern is my safety. I also go on to talk about resting when you are fatigued-which I always teeter very close on not doing this sometimes when I should, pulling back-taking breaks-modifying movements and weights, you name it I talk about it.
The bottom line is getting up and getting moving is really whats most important. I often say that CrossFit is NOT for everyone but don't hate because I love it and it's for me. That's all on that.
I don't really have much food advise today- well 2 things. I like to cook alot of my veggies al dente' meaning I am not cooking them to mush. I did it today with broccoli and I don't think I got it even close to al dente' it was terrible- you might as well eat it completely raw- I had an episode of burps that were not pretty. Second thing-I thought blueberries and pom seeds would be a refreshing little combo today. Not so much. I think it was a little bit of an overload. One or the other is the way to do it.
WOD was great today- I pr'd my squat clean! I am super happy because it was a weight that I failed at in a competition last month.
Consistency does pay off.
My little share for today. I love this. I will try to not always share things that CF22 has posted -but I do love this one! Good night all-here's to a successful Tuesday!


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