Thursday, December 27, 2012

Nothing profound to post...My Dad Kenny..please say prayers and send good juju

Nothing too exciting to post today. Something crazy happened today...I managed to pull 20 power cleans at 135# today..something is happening..I am getting's TOO COOL...damn Maria and her 95# OH's good job Maria-I did manage to get my 20...just at 65#..I am coming off a nagging wrist issue and proud of myself that I was able to bust out 20 of them. I will be back..that's for sure!!!

Have you all met my Dad? No before and after story here. I post this pic because I believe that my Dad is happiest when he is surrounded by family. This is from last year (regrettably I have ZERO pics from this year) the annual Christmas Pajamas pic.
This is not all the grand kids and that is why I hate posting it. However, tomorrow my Dad, Pops, Kenny, Poppa Sweatfield is having some surgery. My Dad comes from a family that has a long history of heart disease. Tomorrow he is having a new stint put in. Best case scenario it takes well and there are no issues..worst case..he would at some point have to have bypass surgery. So everyone..Please, send out prayers, good juju, luck..whatever you have in your bag of tricks to our Dad for a successful stint and a quick recovery. WE love you Dad and we are know all will be well.


  1. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family, especially your daddy. M
