Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The truth about skinny jeans..and meet my Mom..her before and after...

Ahh. Skinny jeans. For those of you who know me. I use them as a scale of sorts. I often can be heard saying that I do not own a scale-still true. I use my "skinniest" skinny jeans as kind of gauge to see where I am at. (I am laughing inside at the thought of using a word I despise so much in this post)
Now, skinny jeans are not so forgiving when you have had maybe some rolls and maybe too much ham amongst other things. My skinny jeans fit, but oh boy, I need to watch myself the next little while.
I did accomplish one thing this Christmas season that I have not been able to do in so many years. I actually managed to not focus so much on the food and just enjoyed myself. I found I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. Didn't really eat much sugar at all,  but wodding this morning managed to get me closer to puking than I have ever been. So if your skinny jeans are fitting comfortable today and you are not having to wear your pie are lucky! Try it-put that scale away somewhere you can't see it and start listening to your body and your skinny jeans..they will not lie.

BEFORE AND AFTER-what I know of my Moms story.
My all time favorite picture of my Mom
Meet Joanne-my Momma

First-there are going to be some pictures on here my Mom is NOT going to like. I thought about this long and hard before I decided she would be my next story. She is kind of a private person and she isn't going to like the fact that I posted some of these pictures. I know there is a saying that goes something like "just saying you're sorry doesn't make everything ok" but I think in this case I am willing to ask for forgiveness and not for permission. And honestly. There are many details her story that I do not know. I do however, understand the constant struggle and mental battle she has had to face. So I am going to tell what I can.
I feel the need to tell this story because I know there are many people that probably do not realize my Mom has not always looked like she does or that she hasn't always been a "wodkilla".
For as far back as I can remember my Mom struggled with her weight. My Mom had 8 children (yes and we are all awesome) and not only did she have 8 children she had a son she home nursed for 20 years until he passed away. Also-my Mother has rheumatoid arthritis, which is a chronic progressive disease that causes inflammation in the joints. I believe that she was in her late 30's or early 40's when she was diagnosed with this.
As I sat down to start to write this. I quickly realized how few details of my Moms story I really know. I don't know what she weighed when she started and I do not know what her goal weight was or how long it took her to get there. So her story is going to be different. Rather than boring details about what she ate and did but rather how her quality of life has changed. NOW..I found the perfect pic that I think her journey may have started shortly after  this-if I have my time lines right.  I wasn't able to go on this trip but this was November 2004. Lets call this her "before" She was in Hawaii shortly after my brother Matt returned from a deployment.  One is of her and my Dad..yes..that's Jo. The other in the pool with the girls.

I would like to share some pictures of my Mom in Napa on our Annual Girls Trip this year. I have video but I want to live to blog another day so I won't share it. But yes folks..this is my Mom, in a swimsuit and a floppy hat dancing on a chair! It was amazing to watch. This is her "after"-yes..dancing on a chair-running with her girls, just even wearing a running skirt and a tank and having a picture taken-these are all big things.
I cant remember really when it started happening but my Mother went through this phase were she became the incredible shrinking woman. Within the past 4-5 years she has become I would guess more than half the person she used to be. And I am talking about her size. (if that makes any sense)
I do remember however as my Mom started her journey she got serious about exercising more consistently and my sisters Kathy and Liz helped her with this. She started simply cutting out her bad foods (haven't gotten her to go in all in on Paleo yet..but it wont be long). I remember during this phase seeing my Mom often times pack her own food to our family parties. During this transition time, my Mother also ran her first 5k and then 2 more shortly thereafter.

She and my Father went on a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ during which time they worked out almost daily. When they came back they started CrossFitting. Yes. My Mom is 70 and she CrossFits. Here is a pic my brother Matt snapped of her practicing her snatch balance-ya it's awesome to have a Mom who will just even attempt this. I am happy to say that I believe that through changing her diet and exercising she is extending her life. I like that!

She has some limited mobility and there are so many times she is in pain, but it does not stop her. For those of you who have wodded with her, you know, she is no joke at the box. My Mom at times has the energy of more than one person. She is an amazing grandmother. She is talented beyond belief. She has a 140# 1 RPM (1 rep max) on her deadlift and she has faith that could move mountains.
One day we were at the box and we were doing handstand holds against the wall. My Mom wanted to try so I just helped her kick up to the wall. 10 years ago-she wouldn't have tried that.
I think it's safe to say that my Mom did really start exercising regularly until she was in her 60's and WOW, the progress she has made.

She is now living her life to the fullest and the life she is living is amazing. She is blessed that my Dad is such a sucker for her and has an amazing partner that gets to ride along on this journey with her. You can see them at CrossFit22 most mornings at 9:00 am together and crazy as always.
Mom. I know this is just a small fraction of what you have done to get to where you are. And I am sorry that I have so few details. But, you are amazing and your pictures alone will inspire someone! I love you tons and I know that I will always be your favorite daughter.... :) shhh I won't tell the other girls if you don't.

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