Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Whine Wednesday.....

Yes that's right...Whine Wednesday...I whined alot today...I was torn...the question is always the same-
I can really never pass up the opportunity to do a Heroes WOD. I can't give up my Metcons when I have been lifting like a crazed woman. I went back and forth all day. I felt pretty good, iced the arms-forearms and wrists last nightsto I felt good. I had to modify a little- skipped box jumps and added a 400M run. IT WAS AWESOME! 
I mentioned before that I am not super creative but that I am capable and I also mentioned I love the posts I read DAILY on CrossFit Lisbeth...after struggling through a Clean Pull movement yesterday that was 95% and 105% of my 1 rep max...this was necessary for me to read today.
So this is it folks...this is all there whine Wednesday share..please enjoy it as much as I did. (awesome little treat I discovered gets me through the day while I am doing a 21 day sugar detox- a few blackberries, some raspberries and pomegranate seeds -you can get all 3 items at Costco and the pom is seeded already-they do not always have these I believe these to be seasonal)
Pics and verbage courtesy of CrossFit Lisbeth!

You either have a purpose, or you don’t.
You either approach that bar like you’re damn well going to lift that weight, or you sidle up to it like you’ll be happy if you get it, but you’re not really sure you will.
You’re either in it with all your heart, or you’re only halfway there.
One path holds the way to amazing victory, crushing loss, glory, achievement, heartache, and jubilation. The other path doesn’t have a lot of pain, or loss, or disappointment. It’s safer. You don’t risk as much, so you won’t hurt as much — in your mind or your body. But you won’t get as many PRs that way.
And, no, we’re not really talking the barbell anymore.

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