Thursday, December 20, 2012

No food or WOD advice today..Just life stuff...

Before I post something really profound that is not mine(hard to believe I know) - I am putting this out there. Why is it at this time of year we want to give more than any other time? We donate to food banks, we volunteer our time and money, we do good deeds. Why is it that we ONLY do this during the holidays? In light of the so many tragedies that have happened throughout the past year-if you have not taken a step back and taken a really good look at your life. DO IT NOW. I personally feel like I have more to give. Maybe it won't always be monetary, it doesn't always have to be. Maybe its volunteering your time and maybe even just your attention to someone in need. There are SO MANY people around us that need help. It could be something as simple as -oh I dont know-I saw a pregnant girl loading her groceries in her car at Costco, I felt compelled to help. She looked at me like I was a little crazy but she let me help and then I pushed her cart away. I am not normally like that and I had to stop and ask myself why? I have alot to give. A person with many words has alot to offer. I need to offer it more. And I am going to. I do not normally make long term goals for the New Year. But this year, I feel so blessed and I really need to pay it forward.
Also-I have yet to post this but some friends of mine put this together-you can start now- you can help by donating to this and get a super cool shirt in the process. The proceeds are going to and amazing cause. Check it out! I am making it super easy for you to do something great before the end of the year-I am even giving you a link that you can simply click on

Now to the post that is not mine. CrossFit Lisbeth...sigh...the writer I aspire to someday be. If I could be just a fraction of how good she is. She posted this on  Monday and I feel the need to share. No food advise today-just some life stuff!
Courtesy of CrossFit Lisbeth


I don’t have any words to motivate today. None to inspire. And I don’t know how to make you laugh. The killing of 20 first-graders and six school workers in Newtown, CT has left me a little dry. Newtown is about 25 minutes from my hometown in CT. My sister works in a school a mile away from the shootings. I have a friend who lives down the street. Another friend owns a nearby CrossFit affiliate — she opened her doors on Sunday so her members could grieve and talk with a counselor. Their community will never be the same.
I spent most of the weekend hanging out with my boys in CA and trying not to cry, trying to answer their questions about why we allow our citizens to buy assault rifles, and why we don’t seem to really care about mental health problems. I had a lot of words, but I don’t think I had any real answers. Mostly, I came to believe that we have failed as a society. We failed as parents. And we failed as citizens.
The only lesson that’s crystal clear out of this tragedy is this: good people must act.
The principal and the teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School knew that: they acted. Some of them paid with their lives. Now, it’s time for the parents in America to decide what kind of country we are leaving to our children. Good people must act.

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