Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday is FOOD PREP DAY..learn it...plan around it..

Ok so I will say. I have a pretty free life compared to most. My "babyboy" is married and on his own. I live alone and mostly only have to worry about me when it comes to eating. I have to say my boyfriend will eat some Paleo..well most-he snubs alot of it at first-then he tastes it and is surprised that it tastes to good. So anyway- I don't really have to please other people. So my word of advise for those of you maybe trying to figure out how to get your fam to eat Paleo...just make it. Are they going to starve? doubtful. What is that saying from the baseball movie with Kevin Costner?? "just build it and they will come?" make dinner..they will eat it. Trust me on this.
If you don't have a job where you are forced to work for "the man" a minimum of 8 hours a are super lucky for the most part. If you have the time and freedom to cook during the week..again-you are lucky. For me? I leave my house at 7 and I don't get home most nights until 7 or after. I prep on Sundays. is it fun? Hell no it's not "fun" its time consuming- I sometimes have to go to 3 stores and then cook but I do it because I have found that if I do this-I am on point all week. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are all done and ready to go.
Ok also I need to state this. I do not create my own recipes. I am not food creative..what I am is capable. I google tons of recipes. Each time I make a recipe I follow the instructions to the T and then I modify from there. I recommend you do the same- here is my menu for this week
Breakfast (thanks Christy-this is going to be a good one) I love Julies blog- we actually got the opportunity to see her compete in the SW Regionals in May when my sweet sis Kathy was competing so you will see alot of her recipes on here:
Lunches will consists of the following as well as dinner

Dusti-I love this recipe- I have added a Pablano as well as 1 jalepeno because I love spice I also sub turkey burger and add 3 turkey italian sausa-see pics above-
This one may not appeal to all but I absolutely fell in love with it the first time I tried it-Thanks Maria-again on this I used turkey burger and italian sauage-this is super easy and so few ingredients! I know people are seeing my foil and cringing. I love aluminum foil..bad for the environment..good for me...makes clean up so easy!!!/2012/10/scotch-eggs.html

This one is a great one- you can do this with pretty much any meat you want- I prefer to do it with chicken thighs I have done it with pork- chicken breast and beef short ribs..all AMAZING. I like to do this with chicken because I can put it on salad. I cut as much excess fat as I can but it literally has 4 ingredients. I usually cook it on high for 6 hours and about 4 hours in I start shredding with 2 forks and then about 30 minutes before I either eat or stroe I unplug and let it sit you can order Hawaiian sea salt online but they do sell it at Harmons.

I dont eat just this- I usually always have a Costco size bag of broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach and salad and I use those as my sides..I have many other side I will post during this journey.
Maria and Dusti both CF at CF22..I want to say that my journey to Paleo started with 1 conversation with took me about 6 months to really figure it out..I have learned to be patient in all things. And probably wont be all Paleo all the time- I want to save some info for future posts but if you can do Paelo 75-80% of the are doing better than good!! You will fail..its going to happen...don't wait until the next Monday or month to get back on the horse- do it RIGHT AWAY...thats my advise-also- I have had tons of people ask me about protiens and supplements and such..I DON'T ADD ANY...I DON'T BELIEVE IN THEM..I do not put any additional crap in body that it might not need...more info on this will be forthcoming-so don't freaking ask me anything about it. I dont use it and I have NO opinion on it other than what I just stated. ALSO I have already had people asking me about HOW MUCH i work out. ONCE A FREAKING you need more than that?? honestly??? dont be ridiculous. I rest at least once a week and DO NOT work out more than once a day. There are exceptions to this and I will post those as they come up.
I will  also be featuring what I call "STORIES" maybe several times a week- I will probably start with my own so be ready for it. And please..feel free to comment and ask questions...just remember..this is my blog and you aren't required to read it...Happy cooking and get out there this week and be AWESOME!!

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